
What is northwest airline like?

by Guest59100  |  earlier

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im going to hawaii and i never been on this airline can you tell me what was it like. was it a good airline and what food do the give. p.s please dont give me the website





  2. umm, i fly them every year at least 2 or 3 times, but i have never gone on a long haul flight with them, but i like them alot, they are on of my favorite airlines, so i would definetley recommend them.

  3. It is pretty nice. It depends on how long the flight is, but a few of their planes have TVS with many new movies for you to choose, music and games. They also have a map that follows the plane on a screen. IT tells you the temperature and the wind speed, plane speed, and how long you have left to go. When i went they served Chicken or pasta. It wasnt bad, and was nice and warm. I was on a 10 hour flight to Amsterdam, so we go 3 meals. Lunch was a sanwich, breakfast was a sandwich and fruit. You can get drinks and they also give snacks. There is lots of room and treats. They gave us ice cream and cake too:) have fun in hawaii!

  4. norhtwest is a very good airline i have just flown them.  they sell pretzles, trail mix, m+m and all types of pops and drinks.  They are very reliable with there flight times i would recommend them to anyone

  5. Well, Northwest used to be one of the best airlines out there -- usually reserved for people with a lot of money!, however, it's sunken to being just a mediocre airline.  The ride wasn't bumpy and the service was just so-so each time I flew.  I much prefer Frontier though.  Most of Northwest's planes don't have tvs and snacks do cost money (but what airline doesn't charge these days?).  Anyways, hopefully your experience will be much better!  Have a safe and fun-filled trip!

  6. On my 8 hour flight from Detroit to Amsterdam, the food was decent (like all other airlines), the main problem was the fact that for 6 hours they didn't serve any beverages. Most people on the flight were getting very dehydrated, expecialy this elderly woman next to me. And it was rather difficult to get anything to drink, the stewardess were of no help. My point is that on long term flights they're supposed to serve every 45 minutes.

    This wasn't the first time this has happened...

    so bring water on the flight.

  7. i was just with them for 12 hours from dtw to rome, Italy.  They are wonderful and you will be well fed.  It is actually really good food too, they gave us tortelini with cheese in the middle and with alfredo sauce.  It also came with bread and dessert, chocolate marshmellow cake.  There was more food but i forgot, i slept thru most of it.  You have a wonderful trip and enjoy NW air.

  8. like any other airline.

  9. They're just like American, United, Delta, and US Airways - lousy. Since I live in the Detroit area, Northwest is often the only nonstop choice so I've been stuck on them literally hundreds of times.

    There is no food unless you buy it onboard. According to Northwest's website, a sandwich or salad costs $10 on domestic flights, including Hawaii.

    Inflight service is virtually nonexistent. The employees have been through so many layoffs and pay cuts that they no longer care. (On my last trip, the counter agent brushed off a traveler's problem with "I just work here." Absolutely true!) God help you if your flight is canceled and you need help being rebooked - they've cut so much staff that it takes forever. The last time that they did it to me, it took two hours and then they refused to return our luggage even though we were stranded overnight. I had to fly the next day in the same clothes.

    If you're looking for nothing more than a cramped seat, then they're fine. Don't expect a lot more because you won't get it.

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