
What is on e of the best video editing sofwares used by professional people when recording videos for weddings

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can some one tell me what video editing softwares are used by those people that make videos for quinceareas and weddings?? thanks




  1. the best is Final Cut Pro.  Most people just use iMovie...its amazing!

    But i have no idea if you dont have access to a Mac.

  2. Actually the most popular program for the professional wedding videographers in Europe is actually Avid Liquid I reckon. After that probably Premiere. Whichever way you go the program is just the hammer to hit the nail in....they all do roughly the same's down to your own talent that produces the stunning results..hopefully. If you're working in HD then there is a difference in some of the programs as to how they handle footage from different cameras...and if they can at all. (Avid and JVC 720p etc).

    I hope that helps

    Best of luck.

  3. The most popular are probably Sony's Vegas Pro and Adobe Premiere.   That said, there are "videographers" who are doing nothing but transferring raw video to DVD - no editing!!

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