
What is one thing...?

by  |  earlier

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...that you can take away from here?




  1. Time

  2. a hot oil massage can take me away always!

  3. Sweet memories ....

  4. almost anything except boredom

  5. mm

  6. my soul.....i think....i may be wrong....

  7. Maybe a bite ....

  8. Knowledge.

  9. I am here not to take away anything but to spread the fragrance of **FRIENDSHIP**.

  10. My dignity (sometimes) ha ha

  11. Companionship without borders.

  12. happiness...

  13. A better understanding of people.

  14. the thought of knowing that there are others out there who share my interests, thoughts, and feelings.

  15. Extended knowledge =D

  16. Mainly what Kiara and Robin said.

  17. don't know  
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