
What is parapsycology???who is a clairvoyant???

by Guest62125  |  earlier

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What is parapsycology???who is a clairvoyant???




  1. Parapsycology is the study of clairvoyancy and other psychic abilities.  

    I am a psychic, empath, and a mental healer.  In order for me to retain these gifts I must keep focused on the one reason why I am here.  I was meant to help others in this world.  To prove that the one reason we are here is to love one another.  I may be young, but after the many different readings and people coming to me for help I have learned at a reasonably age that love is the only reason we were created by God.  I would be glad to answer any more questions.  Please message me if you have any.  xxoxoxx

  2. Parapsychology is the scientific and scholarly study of three kinds of unusual events (ESP, mind-matter interaction, and survival), which are associated with human experience. The existence of these phenomena suggest that the strict subjective/objective dichotomy proposed by the old paradigm (see below) may not be quite so clear-cut as once thought. Instead, these phenomena may be part of a spectrum of what is possible, with some events and experiences occasionally falling between purely subjective and purely objective. We call such phenomena "anomalous" because they are difficult to explain within current scientific models.

    (link below)


    Paranormal acquisition of information concerning an object or contemporary physical event; in contrast to telepathy, the information is assumed to derive directly from an external physical source (such as a concealed photograph), and not from the mind of another person; one particular form of extrasensory perception, it is not to be confused with the vulgar interpretation of “clairvoyance” as meaning “knowledge of the future” (for which see Precognition).

    (link below)


    Term coined in German by Max Dessoir (1889) and adopted by J. B. Rhine in English to refer to the scientific study of paranormal or ostensibly paranormal phenomena, that is, psi; except in Britain, the term has largely superseded the older expression “psychical research;” used by some to refer to the experimental approach to the field. [From the Greek para, “beside, beyond,” + psychology, derived from the Greek psyche, “soul, mind,” + logos “rational discussion”]

    (link below)


  3. The first is pretend science.The second is a pretend superpower.

  4. well i know it sounds strange i can disern spirts i know if ther human or demon when they revel them selves is how i know thats why i want a parnormal team

  5. Parapsychology is the study of purported paranormal abilities or "psi"  (e.g., ESP, psychokinesis, Near Death Experiences, reincarnation, etc.) which are associated with human experience. Most parapsychologists believe that scientific research will eventually support these abilities as real phenomena, although it may require an expansion of our scientific knowledge to do so. At the present time, there is very little scientific evidence to support any of these conjectures.

    From a skeptical point of view, most scientists try to explain observed and observable phenomena while parapsychologists try to observe unexplainable phenomena. All the other sciences have led us away from superstition and magical thinking, while parapsychology has tried to find a scientific basis for such things as divination and mediumship. Much parapsychology today attempts to find statistical oddities that can't be explained either by the laws of chance or by any other known natural causes. Parapsychologists assume in such cases that they have found evidence for psi.

    Clairvoyant  means clear-seeing. It is the supposed psychic ability to see what is occurring elsewhere. Many people believe in clairvoyance or believe they are clairvoyants themselves, but this ability has never been demonstrated under controlled conditions.

  6. Already answered.

  7. It's the study of weird stuff basically.

    Ghosts, telekinetics, mind-reading, etc.


  8. I study parapsychology; I am capable of clarivoyance (you can actually learn a little without being born with it) I'm no skeptic when it comes to ghosts. It's fun to learn about it, it can send shivers down your spine.

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