
What is press advertising?

by Guest59865  |  earlier

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what are the three types - adveetorials, display ads and classified ads???? what is differne ce between them???

research -- cant find anything!?? help!




  1. Hi!! Having been in business for a great many yrs i had to do plenty of advertising. Press ads  are self explanetary, news papers.  Advertorials are usually longer advertisements possibly showing the product, and then going to  tell the reader much  about the item being advertised, possibly saying why it is better than any other of its type. Display is where the message is in the form of a block, say 4x6 ins, and will show a picture of the item, or pictorial description, like a sample menu for a retstuarant etc, in other words a full descriptive advertisement. Classified will be in the columns under the headings. cars, items for sale, animal breeders, personal columns, weddings, births, obitury, and dating.

    The larger one in the Dailies` mainly, the others in the local papers to impart the information to the surrounding population, in your vacinity.

    I hope this answers yor question to your satisfaction.

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