
What is punk and dada?

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what is punk ideologies? what is dada ideologies?




  1. Punk ideologies are a group of varied social and political beliefs associated with the punk subculture. This article provides a rough generalization of the philosophies of individuals who identify themselves as punks and doesn't completely represent the views of all of those who do so.

    In its original nature, the punk culture has been primarily concerned with individual freedom, which tends to create beliefs in concepts such as individualism, anti-authoritarianism, anarchism and free thought. Punk ideologies have often included a critical view of the world; seeing modern day societies as placing extensive limits on humanity. Punk ideologies are usually expressed through punk rock music, punk zines, independently-published literature and spoken word recordings.

    Punk culture originated as a movement of shock, rebellion, and discontent; and from certain points-of-view, it has evolved into an overt socio-political movement. Lyrically, punk bands often express discontent with the individuals and institutions that influence society. The political ideology most often associated with punk is anarchism, however punk has also been associated with other leftist ideologies such as social liberalism, socialism and communism. Despite the association that punk ideologies have with the left wing, some punks perceive the efforts of leftists as ineffectual, and sometimes just as objectionable as the right wing. Right-wing ideologies have appeared within punk culture, including conservatism and neo-Nazism.

    Philosophical ideologies within the punk subculture include atheism, agnosticism and humanism, as well as religious ones such as Christianity, Islam, the Rastafari movement and the Hare Krishna movement (especially amongst 1980s straight edge scene), which often overlap onto a punk's political beliefs.

    Dada or Dadaism is a cultural movement that began in neutral Zürich, Switzerland, during World War I and peaked from 1916 to 1920. The movement primarily involved visual arts, literature (poetry, art manifestoes, art theory), theatre, and graphic design, and concentrated its anti war politic through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works. Dada activities included public gatherings, demonstrations, and publication of art/literary journals. Passionate coverage of art, politics, and culture filled their publications. The movement influenced later styles, Avant-garde and Downtown music movements, and groups including Surrealism, Nouveau Réalisme, Pop Art and Fluxus

  2. Both are very broad in scope - try the wikipedia definitions, can't go wrong!

  3. My Dada hated me being a punk.

  4. The way I remember Punk was a british revolution of the youth against the British establishment, made a point of dressing up link punks, now working, having parties, and making great, angry music, developed from rock though.

    Dada was a more Avantgarde type of 80's music, with bands like The Blech, being forerunners, The Blurt in the middle of it all, Skeleton Crew doing their part to. The main charactarestic for me with DADA was that there were no real lyrics, they were words to match the music, an artform of it;s own.

    Was a lot of fun, and great musical talents around!
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