
What is "god" good for?

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What is "god" good for?




  1. Scaring people into behaving with false promises.

    So basically nothing.

  2. Ask not what is god good for, but what is good for god?

    Didn't JFK say something like that?

    The other day

    A friend of mine

    Said, he said that

    God's not even with us

    He said that God is really dead

    He said, "Old pal,

    A fact's a fact -

    You can't believe

    that magic act."

    I said, "I don't."

    And that was that.

    But now I say

    Good for God

    Good for God

    He goes and makes

    the planet blue

    And all the thanks he

    gets from you

    Is, "Look at all that poo poo

    In the yard."

    Good for God

    Good for God

    He knows each time a

    sparrow falls,

    But who could answer

    all those calls?

    Good for God.

  3. He made you for starters. Actually, 'god' is just a title, his name is YHWH (Yahweh). Please send me an email and I will be more helpful. I just can't say more right now.  

  4. "god" is good for - firewood, false hope.

    God is everything and nothing is good with out Him.  

  5. Nothing

  6. Trying to figure that out myself. Sometimes its just an emotional release idk, gives you hope and direction.

  7. 4giving u instead of striking u with thunder

  8. Scapegoat for atrocity's and a crutch for your triumphs.

  9. flim flamming people

  10. maybe a lot of things, maybe nothing. but it shouldnt matter. if your way of thinking is what can everyone else do for me then you are what we call "selfish" and "greedy"

  11. I can't think of anything specific that "god" is good for.

    His followers are sometimes good for a laugh.

  12. lucky thing you wrote "god"

    I would have to get out the way if you spelled it differently

  13. just about everything oh and the those little marks aren't needed for he's real. he's not big foot you know.

  14. Light.

    More on my bio.

  15. This is the way I look at it , even though I am religious and people always have a different view of things. Look at the sky the clouds the mountains and think before me and before anybody i know many generations ago who put that there? That is nothing that a simple man could have made. God is there , you cant see him or touch him but hes like the air you can feel him at times. I have seen many miracles in my life that has braught me closer to God I have had it tuff and so has my family , ive had a little sick sister and my father passing away just last year after suffering for so long, ive seen people cured of cancer not by a doctor , but just one day it not being there. That is a miracle in itself.

  16. Many athiests will flock to this question to try and sway you to believe God is bad. God is good because He will always answer your prayers although that doesn't always mean the answer will be Yes. Believing in God and Jesus and always treating every situation as "What Would Jesus Do" and always doing the right thing will ensure your entrance to Heaven after this life.

    I'd rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, instead of living my life as if there is no God and die to find out there is.

  17. Nothing whatsoever.

  18. If you can define the personality of god in a way you find pleasing,

    god can be helpful.

    If the concept annoys you, don't bother paying attention to it... as hard as that might be amongst the majority of society

  19. You know Christians don't jump down your throat for being an Atheist, so why don't you not post things for the sole purpose of pissing people off.  I love God, I have soemthing to believe in and soemthing to look forward to.    I am happy.  

  20. He is the Creator. The 'I Am.' Without Him there would be no life, no living, and no universe. He is the beginning and end, and as well, He declared the end from the beginning. He is good for loving us when we despised Him. He is good in that He is faithful when the world is unfaithful. He is good in that He placed the stars in the heavens while naming and numbering them. He created a perfect Earth that was cursed due to man's fall, and yet He is good in that He will make it perfect yet again.

    He is Holy. He is Righteous. He is Jehovah. The self-existent One. He is the One who has numbered your hearts beats and has counted the hairs upon your head. He is Love. His Love is good.

    But most of all, He is good in that He speaks that you are good. He has given the Life of His own Son to death, so that you would live if you will only believe in Him.

    I know you are going "through it" right now, but please know that God KNOWS you and loves you and will see you through these troubling times and all the emotional turmoil.

    Jehovah Shalom, Shalom.

  21. Makes people think they are special.

  22. 1st of all its God not god, show a lil respect.

    God is good for many things,. mainly hope and forgiveness.

  23. For some peoples' beliefs (like me) Life.

  24. Starting wars.

  25. Everything. I can't think of anything He is not good for. I love Him so much. I think one day you will understand. God Bless you

  26. A minimum of five points in Scrabble.

  27. God is good at everything he is the one that Created  the world and made us in his imageweatherr you believe it or not.

  28. for everything...he guides you to do good things, hes there for you he listens to you he sees everything that is going on around you and everyone else...if it wasnt for him we you and every human wouldnt be here cuz he sacrfice his life for the bible u will understand

  29. Why don't you ask him that on judgement day.  I'm sure he'll be very straightforward with you.

  30. ummmm everything you have... duh

  31. ab-sa-lu-tly nuthin !  xx

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