
What is "groupthink"?

by  |  earlier

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Have you ever experienced such a thing?




  1. We used that in Law Enforcement.  Everyone as a group thinks the situation out and decided on a plan.  Military also uses it.  a Plan thought through

  2. This is the first time that I heard about  this concept. I am not an English native speaker but I guess this is a group thinking together to achieve a common goal. I am not sure. I just use the word "group" and then the word "think" to derive the definition of the new concept.

  3. Which must be the opposite of synergy-the idea that a lot of minds working together can put out better ideas than the total of the output from each singular mind.

  4. I wish I knew, but that's one I haven't heard of.


  5. Or it could be where a group of people who come together with divergent thoughts and come to an agreement that is of the highest common denominator!

  6. Every generation likes to create new terminology to make it appear that they are more intelligent than they really are.In the 40's it was called a 'brain trust'...and it gave us the 'Manhattan Project'  

  7. Hi . i know big companies have " think tanks " , where a group of people just go over ideas . i imagine any group can go over an issue . even us  ( if we don't get hit with a chatting violation , lol )

    take care . d.

  8. It's when a group is working together to form a cohesive or unanimously agreed upon idea.  The way I've heard it used is rather negative, suggesting that it encourages agreement only and discourages "thinking outside the box" or individual creative thought.  

    Example:  The group's goal is to assemble a square box following set directions as efficiently as possible.  The group's goal is not to build a better box or to create a new way to assemble the box.

    I don't know if this is right, but it's the way I understand it.

  9. Groupthink is when a group of people decide upon something they can all agree on, creating a 'lowest common denominator' decision which isn't that intelligent or creative.  

  10. I don't know what the dictionary definition is but in my opinion it is conforming to ease tension, even though the results harm the overall good. Have I experienced such a thing? Try every day of my life! How to overcome it? Good leadership
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