
What is reality?

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People live their lives by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "Reality".

But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true?" Merely vague concepts...their "Reality" may all be a mirage.

Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?




  1. what does it matter  and if it did,,

    whom would i argue with,,

    funny  I laugh at that *

    at least i have an excuse *

    i live alone *

    whats yours / !

  2. Quite right. And when other peoples realities overlap their worlds might just end.

  3. yes exactly -Ill let you be in my dream if I can be in yours.

    I think we can consider not just them but all of us, thee and me incluido - to be living in a restricted 'reality'.

    i think the life's work is to broaden that reality.

    It is really sad to come across those who are incommunicado due to having such a narrow choke-chain hold on reality that they can't come out to play.

  4. Your question, and many of the answers here, have adopted an anthropocentric bias towards the definition of reality.

    Sure, the word 'reality' can be used to describe a personal reality of some individual person, some group of people, or all people. But all of those are quite narrow colloquial definitions of reality.

    For the purpose of philosophical inquiry, the widest sense of the definition of reality should be adopted. In this sense, reality includes everything that is, whether or not it is observable or comprehensible - including both being and nothingness.

    Otherwise, human beings adopt the bias that some particular thing (or non-thing) is not part of reality until we say so.

  5. Reality is the over all aspect of something being real.

    If a person sees a pig flying that no one else does then that not real right.

    Even though it might be real to them. Things that are real can be felt and touched, not just seen.

    For example, Chris Angel is an illusionist, nothing hes doing is "real" he does illusions, which questions reality.

    Another example is if you trip on LSD. Your mind makes you see things that are not necessarily real. Reality is not in thought but in reasoning.

  6. Reality is what you perceive life to be. The plane that we live in is our 'reality'. What we know and love is what is real to us. What you believe is right and wrong is shaped by the people that raise you and the people you are around. Nothing is "correct" and things can be proven "true" but as far as right and wrong, anyone can believe what they want is right or wrong. But in society, there is a default right and wrong. for example killing someone or helping someone. 2 examples of right and wrong in OUR society. If you want to live anywhere in the world pretty much you abide by the rule dont kill anyone. But suppose you owned your own island and you made the rules, suppose you were in favor of murder and you couldnt be arrested because you own the island and nobody can tell you what to do. Well then murder is right in your opinion.

  7. Reality is nothing more than a conglomeration of the perception of all living things.  If something cannot affect or be detected, it is not real.  It may exist, but its existence is pointless because without anything to percieve it, it may as well not exist.

  8. popular belief:reality is what you can see,touch,smell,taste,feel or hear. what can be proved by science. what you know to be true.

    in my opinion...reality is something man has made for himself. a comfort blanket. i think that reality is there so that our brain can have a place to recover from the overwhelmingness of "fantasy"...the reality is what your brain wants it to be.. i remember asking my mother when i was young, "mom are you real? am i real?" she said "of course. we are both real."but imagine if she said, no. im a figment of your imagination or self-constructed reality...what if everone i have ever meet told me they weren't real either...well of course that wouldnt happen because that would defeat the purpose of the comfort-blanket?sorry but i can only answer your question with a question :[

    edit: after re reading ur question i have a feeling your talking about christianity. and the belief in jesus christ. god. w/e religion...because gods cannot be seen,smelt,tasted,felt blah blah whatever it's hard to believe they are a part of "reality"

    the rules people live by (like commandments) remember that one guy who believed he was the reincarnated jesus or something and he led all those people to believe in him and he was like raping kids and stuff? he was living in his own reality shaped by his own beliefs. and to me, his reality Was a mirage.

  9. Reality is merely a form of self-indulgence. No matter what happens its reality. Because if it wasn't it wouldn't happen.
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