
What is something everybody should do?

by Guest63080  |  earlier

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What is something everybody should do?




  1. By the time 21 years old have a job, If you have loads of money donate a lot of it, go green, not be on welfare or use foodstamps (unless your really disabled), and try to promote peace,

  2. Apologise sincerely, for your last misdemeanour.

  3. breathe..........

  4. f**t when they meet the queen.

  5. Take care of the environment and respect other life. (Respect God)

  6. take social responsibility

  7. Reduce,Reuse,Recycle and stop littering....

  8. Have confidence and security in all you do!

  9. Eat oxo cubes

  10. Breathe.  Well, I exclude d**k Cheney, but everybody else should breathe.

  11. live and let live

    also...get the h*** out of my way when I'm on the road.

  12. Respect those around them. In all things.

  13. m********e.

  14. take care of them self keep clean.stay healthy.get some exercise if not we get FAT lolz

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