
What is sustinable utilization of resources?

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What is sustinable utilization of resources?




  1. Use of resources in such a manner that we don not compromise today's need and save enough for the future generations to live on.

    If you dont understand feel free to contact me:

  2. sustainable utilisation of resources means using resources in such a way that future generations donot have to compromise with their existing needs

  3. The meaning of sustainable utilization of resources is using any natural or unnatural source like petrol, water or any other natural source without making it going extinct or over, for example if you use firewood as a energy source you would have to cut trees for it, but you should/could also plant trees to make it sustainable even for the coming generations to use the energy, same like petrol which you could use solar energy or hybrid cars which cold save the consumption of petrol energy.

  4. Sustainable means that we don't diminish nature's balance.

    Overuse diminished earth's natural systems' ability to replenish itself.  For example, if we take too many trees out of a forest, the web of life can no longer pollinate new seeds (and without pollination, they won't sprout), birds won't distribute those seeds (because they will move elsewhere to find food), leaves won't compost the soil (to make it arable), and the forest loses its ability to reproduce itself.

    Americans use 4 times the natural resources per person that many other humans around the world use... but we all have an impact on nature.  If we replant trees for those we use due to use as a house, paper, books, furniture, etc.  we become part of the sustainable solution.  If we waste less, we are part of the solution.  If we travel less, we are part of the solution.  

    We can be part of the problem...or part of the solution by how we use resources...and how many we use ... or waste.

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