
What is the ACLU .......?

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Was reading through some resolved questions and they mention having an ACLU card. What is that? Am I the only person that doesn't know? :)




  1. Yes, the American Civil Liberties Union.  Check out the link below to learn more.  :)

  2. The ACLU is the American Civil Liberties Union.  It's a left-wing law firm pretty much.  They hate God, are pro-choice, love gun control, think affirmative action is the way to go and they want to legalize heroin, cocaine and marijuana.

    Basically just a bunch of liberal freak shows.

  3. It is the American Civil Liberties Union and they usually take on cases where there has been police misconduct or misconduct in prisons.  

  4. The ACLU is the American Civil Liberties Union.  It goes to bat for anyone whose civil rights (as per the Bill of Rights, etc.) are being infringed.  This is most often liberal individuals/organizations since we live in a conservative country, but the ACLU will defend conservative or religious groups as well if they're being discriminated against.

    If what you saw included a lot of smack about police officers, the subject may have had to do with police misconduct against someone.  That's not at all unknown, of course, but the ACLU isn't focused on law enforcement specifically.

  5. The ACLU is a acronym for the American Civil Libertys Union. They help out minority groups if there is a issue that is work related or in other areas. They help out homosexual groups, african americans, any small minority group in america really. They are a good group!

  6. The ACLU is the American Civil Liberties Union.

    It is a public service legal group that provides free legal assistance to people who need legal help because a government agency is attempting to violate their Constitutional rights.

    EDIT.....  To the person above who sad the ACLU "hates God", here is a huge list of legal cases the ACLU has fought on behalf of Christian groups.


  7. The American Civil Liberties Association...

    ...a beacon of hope in a troubled world, indeed.

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