
What is the BEST diet pill?

by  |  earlier

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(plz no lectures on how bad diet pills are, because i will take them responsibly. i will be working out and eating healthy while taking them i am just using them as a diet enhancer)




  1. If you want to lose weight quickly i suggest you to try Proactol. Few months ago I purchase their pills and within a month i was succesfull. I lose 3kg in under a month. Just to let you know that this pills have got any side effect they just burn the fat. I am still drinking them and all can i say they are the best. I have tryied alot of products such as hodiaa but never got a good result until i found Proactol.

    Just do little research on google about them or visit their site and have a look HTTP://PR0ACTOL.COM

  2. Dong Chong chinese herbal  

  3. hydroxy cut works the best.  and if you drop your calories down to 1000 per day, you will loose it quick

  4. look for pills containing CLA or conjugated linoleic acid..its naturally found in dairy foods but works wonders if found in diet pills...i heard that Lipo6x also contains this stuff

  5. You don't "take [diet pills] responsibly".

    The whole point is that its dangerous and completely irresponsible to do so, not to mention a huge strain on your heart.

    Read some small print on many (if not all) of these diet pill ads you see on the TV, that claim that 80% of body weight lost during the test phase was PURE FAT!!!!!!!

    Whoopty-freakin-do, when the amount of weight lost was an average of 3 lbs over 6 weeks. So ingesting horrible things and straining your heart will allow you to lose 2.2 lbs of body fat over 6 weeks? Why not just eating right and exercising? These 2 actions alone average about 1.5lbs of fat a week, if stuck to and done properly. Use resistance bands and gravity exercises and you can lose weight for free!

    Stay away. Do it the honest way. Run, Swim, Free weights. Eat less than what makes you feel full, and drink water. Alot. There's the best diet pill.

  6. One that is prescribed by your doctor, or Alli.  Those are the only FDA approved weight loss pills and the only ones that are monitored.  Most pills don't even contain the ingredients they claim they do.

  7. Phentermine

  8. Ever heard of herbalism? I never heard anything bad about them since they're a reputable company and have some kind of diet pills.

    But they're bad for you! (sorry, couldn't' help myself) :)

  9. exercise and laying down the fork.

  10. doesn't matter if you take them responsibly or not...   no diet pill works.

    sorry... you either start eating right or not....    simple as that.

    how about trying fresh fruits and veggies.. cut out the dairy and putting the fork down ...  only eat when you are hungry.. NOT when YOUR mind is hungry and ride a bike or walk.

    you'll find diet pills do the opposit... and cause hypertension.. obesity and dehydration...  

    eat right...      too bad.

    i doubt since you will be on the pills...  you'll be able to eat anything at all.

  11. It would probably be an aspirin.  

  12. my sister takes some kind of green tea diet/energy pill,I don't know what its called but you can look it up


  14. The one that you don't take... I know you don't want lectures but as a Registered Nurse I have a duty to tell you not to use them. They do more harm than good & if nothing else.. you could use the money you save from not getting them on new clothes when you get real results!!

  15. Don't waste your money.  Diet pills are usually either nothing more than commonly available vitamins or full of things that are more harmful than helpful.  Take vitamin B complex, fish oil, some vitamin e and cranberry pills.  Vitamin B complex turns food and calories into energy faster and has several other good vitamins.  Vitamin e rids your body of toxins and helps your metabolism run full at full capacity, fish oil helps stimulate you brain activity (your brain burns TONS of calories when you use it) and cranberry helps keep the plumbing clean.

    Diet pills aren't necessarily bad, just not worth the money.  Spend that money on a gym membership or other local fitness program where you can get way more out of it.  Working out and eating healthy with other people with similar goals on a consistent basis will help you 10 times more than a diet pill ever will.

  16. Hiya,

    I take Now Slim night use, but i've only been taking them for a couple of days so I can't say anything.

    Ignore everyone who's waarning you on how unhealthy and ****.

    Good Luck :)

  17. idk but u should definetly go to

    I know someone who went on this diet and lost A LOT of weight really fast. The best part is, is that it is cheap. Good luck!

  18. eating healthy (as in instead of that chocolate cake you want tonight, go for a yogurt with fruit and granola on top) and excersise (as in doing some sit ups, push ups, and walking up and down your stairs every day or so) is the best diet pill

  19. this is the only pill aproved by the FDA,

    <<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<< allie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  20. Alli because its FDA approved and also a family member of mine has gotten great results from it. but you have to stay true to taking them everyday when your supposed to, to get the maximum results.

  21. if you take diet pills they may help you lose weight fast, but when you stop you'll gain it back faster than you lost it. plus it's bad for you. REALLY bad. if you won't some "magic" pill you wont find it. taking vitamins may help with proper exercise.

  22. none cuz u do it the healthy way

  23. Cyanide.

  24. Fresh Produce!  jkjk ... I know you want a real answer.  Well, I'm not a proponent of diet pills, but if you must, try using green tea drops:

    Mega-T Dietary Supplement "Green Tea Drops" for weight loss.

    It's a liquid and you put a few drops in your beverages.  It's a high-concentration of the stuff in green tea that speeds up metabolism.  It doesn't contain any weird c**p though so it won't mess with your organs.

    But still .... produced and exercise are ultimately your best friend.

  25. I'm not gonna lecture you on how bad they are, but in almost all cases they just don't work.  Try just setting up an exercise schedule and eat right instead.

  26. None they will damage your heart

  27. Methedrine


    1000 calories will kill you if you are also dieting and excersizing.

    you need nourishment and excersize.

    if anything go down 100, 200 calories.

    also, maybe try weight managment digestional sopport.

    i forget the brand, but it makes you feel better

    stop worring about weight.

  29. Most diet pills are not approved by the FDA.  There is no such thing as taking them "responsibility."  

    The best thing you can do to lose weight is portion control your food and exercise regularly.  

  30. the best pill,....umm... howabout actually excercising fatty!! good luck

  31. none, excersice

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