
What is the best headache remedy?

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What is the best headache remedy?




  1. mine is to go in a dark cool room an lay down for a few hrs an im good to go  but if i have a really bad one i take excerdin it works great . i love that stuff when my headache is really bad . good luck

  2. The only thing I've ever seen work long term is Chiropractic for the upper cervical spine.  Massage and more exercise helps to, but you need the chiropractic.

    Get one off a major insurance website (not the yellow pages) even if you don't have insurance - they are the best.

    Good luck.

  3. Advil alive or Ibuprofen work best for a headache they are all basically the same medication. You can take up to 800mg of ibuprofen at a time just don't take more then every 6 hours and not more then 3200mg in 24 hours. you can also take Tylenol with the ibuprofen.

  4. I thing a packet of panadol will kill the pain

  5. There's a pressure point just between the place your skull meets your can feel it with your thumb and your index+middle finger... But you'll have to hold it down with both your hands' index+middle fingers

    Tilt your head down, hold these points and apply a bit of pressure slowly while counting to 30 raise your head and your headache should be gone if not eased... you could also take a panadol afterward...

    good luck!

  6. For me its advil, the smell of orange fruit orange helps me to relax, sometimes I put liniments and then sleep or nap.

  7. Feverfew leaves are a popular herbal remedy for headaches. In Chinese medicine, headaches are often due to Liver Qi stagnation and can be treated with herbs that relieve Liver Qi constraints. Also, lavender essential oil and peppermint are nice to rub on temples (dilute the peppermint).

  8. Advil.

  9. Get treatment advice through home remedies

  10. relax and avoid noisy places.Cold water also does a trick when splashed on the face

  11. first, try drinking a litre of water. also, what works for me is pinching, quite hard, the skin between my thumb & forefinger. laugh now, then try it. it works, for some reason; either hand. y(you're welcome).

  12. For me - sleeping.

  13. Depends on the type of headache.

    Food allergies can cause a lot of problems - and you probably love what you're allergic to.

    Tension is another common cause, people do not move as much as the body was designed for and spend too much time in the head.  This causes tension and headache.

    High blood pressure is another possible cause.

    If the headaches are persistent and occur often, check your diet. Dairy food is a common factor in the West.

    Often aspirin - cheap unbranded and humble are the best. Some people are allergic to this, so they can take the slower acting paracetamol.

    Ibuprofen is NOT headache relief, but does reduce inflammation - and can be effective in tension headaches.

    If you constantly feel your head is pounding, this could be a blood pressure factor, aspirin should be taken with care, but can alleviate short term symptoms. See a doctor and get your pressure checked.

    N.B. This does not constitute medical advice, but is based on practical, observable results over a number of years.

  14. Excedrin.  Works for me.

  15. Water, water, water is what you need to stay hydrated hun. At least 2 - 3 litres per day. Hey, you need at least 2 litres per day just to maintain aspiration (to breath)!! Headaches could be due to dehydration ~ other symptoms of dehydration are puffy bags under your eyes, constant yawning, dark circles under your eyes, headaches and migraines, constipation, bloating and cramps, irritability & moodiness and inability to think clearly ♥

    Also try to cut back on dehydrating drinks such as coffee, tea, sodas and soft drinks and alcohol (if you drink any) as these will not only dehydrate you terribly but also rob you of your precious B complex of vitamins ♥

    A deficiency in vitamin B3 .......... never buy any of the B complex of vitamins individually, as they work best as a group, so buy them as a whole ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 andB12 .......... will produce negative personality changes in a person and will also produce headaches and migraines, diahorrea, depression, itching skin.

    Eat more foods rich in this vitamin ie ~ fish, lean meats, whole wheat products, brewer's yeast, liver, eggs, roasted peanuts, the white meat of poultry, avocadoes, dates, figs and prunes ~ a handfull of steamed chicken does the trick for me when i have a cracking headache♥

    Foods rich in vitamin B3 will also eliminate canker sores and often times bad breath too. it will give you healthier looking skin, increase circulation and reduce high blood pressure. It is necessary for a healthy nervous system and brain functions.

    Iron deficiency anemia can also cause headaches, irritability and moodiness, dizzy spells and fainting, fatigue and exhaustion ??? Are you getting enough iron on a daily basis .......... ;0)

    Also, eating more foods rich in magnesium may help to alleviate a nasty headache ..... magnesium is needed in our bodies for healthy nerve and muscle functioning and of course for heart health and foods rich in magnesium will also help alleviate any issues with constipation you may have.

    foods rich in magnesium are ~ leafy and green vegies, wholegrain cereals and breads and cold water fresh fishes such as tuna, salmon, sardines and whiting.

    magnesium is known as the antistress mineral and foods rich in magnesium will thus help you also deal with the everyday stressy little situations we are all exposed to.

    iburofen and Tylenol will do a fine job of ripping you off of your essential complex of B vitamins .............. hence, they may work to start with but fail to actually cure the cause and only serve to bandaid the symptoms.

    I truly do wish you all the very best of health & vitality buddy♥

    take care of you ♥



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