
What is the best month?

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  1. There is a study that shows that babies who are born in Autumn have a life expectancy which is 1.3 years longer than babies born in Spring.  They think that this is because people's diets (like maternal diet) is better over Summer than Winter.  So it depends what hemisphere you're in.

    If you're working, November/December can be great because you get maternity leave AND Christmas holidays, or if you are in the Northern hemisphere you could also time it over Summer holidays to combine the two.

  2. July, think of b-day parties outside in the nice weather.

  3. i say is DECEMBER

  4. Based on a survey, December.

  5. july or august depending wher you live

  6. March, statistics show that most babies are born in March so your baby will be more like the others.

  7. September

  8. if you believe in astrology and stuff, then you should choose the month by how you want your baby's personality to be like

  9. January!

  10. January because my b'day is in Jan.

  11. december! it is nice and cozy there are lots of holidays in it and stuff

  12. you should try to get your due date to be in the spring. babys who are born in the fall and winter months are more prown to getting phnemonia and r.s.v if you can have the baby in the spring it will give it 4-6 months of growing stronger,immune system and all. before winter hits.and most of your pregnancy will be through the colder months and thats good so you wont have to worry about looking like a cow in summer clothes and bathing suits like i did. also when you are in the last few months of your pregnancy you are so hot from all the wheight and the hormonal imbalaces and extra blood you have in your body that you will be miserable if you have to be preggy in the summer. trust me i was a big hot cow who had my baby in july.

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