
What is the chance....(10 points)?

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What's the chance of me getting a virus from limewire? I have a pretty good virus scanner (McAfee Security Center)? do u think ill get a virus easily? (10 points to the best answer)




  1. If you use any P2P software like limewire, you need to make sure you antivirus software is up to date as well as having it installed.

  2. like 99 out of 100% chance.

    sorry its loaded with viruses

  3. nothing can stop limewire viruses. sorry.

  4. AVG center is better I believe

    I used to use McAfee I think AVG is better

    it's more that a year that I'm using limewire and my computer is alright

    it's working properly and nothing is really bothering me

    I'm completely satisfied

  5. i have mcafee too and i get viruses all the time, so i am going to go with yes. also if you have windows vista there is an even bigger chance because vista isn't totally compatible with mcafee, at least that is what my computer person told me when i went to get it fixed.  

  6. if youre downloading something other than music i'd say you have about a 50/50 chance of downloading a virus.

  7. yes.

  8. Yes, Limewire, is actually one of the most useful piece of virus giving trash the world has ever seen.

    It is actually paid to host viruses, in my opinion you should use torrents instead, Mcafee Sec center may be good but it is still very foolable, trust me, i used mcafee sec center before, i hated it,

    i now use a combination of ESET Smart Security, Malwarebyte's Antmalware and Spyware Doctor


  9. limewire has a million viruses

  10. If your operating system has an internal virus scanner, there is almost no chance of picking up a virus.  Limewire structure won't supposedly allow corrupt data to be shared, however I have had some red flags in the past.  Your McAfee Security Center will detect any virus before it can be saved onto your disc.  No worries mate!

  11. Man let me tell you! I opened up limewire and i suddenly found myself dealing with trojan horses left and right. I haven't even begin to download anything!  I got rid of the program and haven't had a problem since.  Trojans lead to viruses.

  12. you steel can get a virus and lime wire slows your computer down a little bit

  13. its possible, not highly likely - if youre lucky.

    but my friend has the latest version of Norton Antivirus and she got a pretty bad virus, she thinks its from limewire.

    so just watch out   :)


  14. 50 50 chance

  15. It depends on what type of files you download. If you go for files that are .exe, .zip, .rar, .js, .mpg, .mpeg, .avi, your chances are HIGH. If you go mostly for .jpg, .jpeg, .mp3, your chances are slim to none. I wouldn't *EVER* download executable files or scripts from a peer-to-peer program!

  16. There is a very good chance of still getting a virus even with McAfee if you are not careful.  Firstly make sure you scan any files you download before you use them.  Especially avoid downloading .zip and .exe files as this is where most of the viruses are hidden.  Also, use common sense.  Figure out what size you think the file should be and look at what shows up because if a song should be about 3mb and shows up as 112kb you can be sure that you will not be getting what you are expecting.

  17. I have that too and nothing ever hapened. I even have a lap top with limewire installed and nothing has ever happened,... yet. lol

  18. i have been using limewire for about two years, no virus yet.  my son got one but he was bad about trying to download a bunch of stuff and going off and leaving limewire running /and or open for long periods of time.  i get what i want and then close it. no probs at all.  good luck hope this helps

  19. pretty high but i still havent got one so its all good

  20. About 97% - its not just the viruses you have to worry about - its the bot's and back door programs that are embedded into the pirated stuff your downloading. McAffee will catch the viruses - they will not catch teh remote control program that is embedded.

  21. Yes you may get a virus unless you have an apple. They do not get attacked easily.

  22. My sister thought the same thing.  She has every security force on her computer possible.

    Here's the thing with Limewire;  you open your files (Limewire is a shared file program) up to just about anyone.  It's really difficult for a security program (virus protection) to work when you yourself open up all your files for someone to come in (back door).  My sister ended up with a virus that shut down her entire system.  Apprently she downloaded music and files that were already incorporated with a virus.

    Just be forwarned ahead of time, it could happen.  Instead of Limewire, try Utorrent.  It's another much safer music sharing program.

  23. My friends and I use limewire. In the 3 years that I have used it I did not get any viruses. Plus since you have McAfee you will be safe. It may make your computer slow when it is running though.

  24. You just have to be careful on what you're downloading. Cause lots of the files on there have viruses. I used to use it and Got a lot of viruses. And I recently found limewire isn't that safe because people are starting to get caught and find a lot of money for using it. If I were you, I'd switch to just buying cd's, or buying music from itunes, even though itunes doesn't have every song that limewire has. It's more safe.

  25. high chance. No matter what if u have McAfee or AVG. Will get virus. That why i stop use limeware. Also good way to get ad ware and spy ware. They are so annoying

  26. Yes.I have recieved a virus from limewire years ago. I had a Norton virus protection luckily it was easy to remove.

  27. 100%, even with mcafee. Mcafee sucks, install something like Avira, avast or AVG instead. they're all free, and faster plus, they will detect them as they download, instead of just when you scan.

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