
What is the difference in formula??

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just wondering the major difference is similiac soy and their regular formula. i am still nursing, so my son hasn't had formula much, but he loves the soy. are there any pros or cons in giving him soy formula? i don't know anyone who used it.... thanks!!




  1. my daughter is on soy due to intolerance use reg formula if you can but there is nothing wrong with soy my daughter is growing great i get so tired of people yelling about soy...

  2. Soy formula is lactose free and milk free.  If your baby is lactose

    intolerant or allergic to milk, soy would be your choice.  Regular

    formulas are milk based.  One down side to soy formula is that

    it can cause constipation.  

  3. soy is actually supposed to be used only as a "last resort"

    The most serious problem with soy formula is the presence of phytoestrogens or isoflavones. While many claims have been made about the health benefits of these estrogen-like compounds, animal studies indicate that they are powerful endocrine disrupters that alter growth patterns and cause sterility. Toxicologists estimate that an infant exclusively fed soy formula receives the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day.

    there are considerable other risks, please check the link below and also do some research

  4. DO NOT give him soy!! according to soo many sources including parents magazine - "contrary to popular belief, soy is NOT an adequate supplement for babies allergic to cows milk and should only be used if they are truly, TRULY, lactose intolerant or come from strict vegan famililes"

    look it up online.. they have so many studies now showing how soy causes developmental/ behavioral problems, etc... (including ADHD)...

    if he is not allergic, give him regular.. you will have an easier time introducing milk and milk-based products when its time than if you were to give him soy formula... :)

    good luck..  

  5. The difference is that one is a milk-based formula (lactose) and the Isomil is soy and thus, lactose free.

    We had to make a switch to soy due to a lactose intolerance and my daughter's doctor told me that there is no nutritional difference between the two. One is milk-based and one is soy-based and those are the only difference between the two.  

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