
What is the difference...

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between linear functions and just regular functions? =]




  1. Linear functions have to do with equations with variables, a constant, and with a slope.

    Y = mx + b

    m is your slope

    x is your variable

    y is your answer

    b is your constant

    the slope is the rate of change. X is your input, and b is always your intial value

    what this means is that every time you put in a new value for X. the answer will come out according to your constant and slope.

    Take this equation for example

    Y = 3X + 7

    Y will equal to what you put in for X times 3 plus 7

    so when you put 1 for X it will equal to (1 x 3) = 3 then add 7 which will equal to 10

    Notice how we are using X and Y

    this means that we can put this in a graph. So when you put in the 1 for our previous equation then the answer comes out at ten

    so what you would put in a graph is this (1,10) X is 1 and Y is 10

    This is the main reason why the linear equations are called linear equations.

    When you graph them, you will see that the graph will come out as a straight line.

    the slope affects how steep this straight line will be and the constant affects where the line will start.

  2. A linear function is a function in the form of a straight line. Just regular functions can be any form of straight line and/or curves

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