
What is the fature of GIS?

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What is the fature of GIS?




  1. Do you mean Future of GIS?

  2. What is fature and GIS and are they related to geography?

  3. A conceptual model for structuring features in a geographic information system (GIS) is presented. The model includes spatial, thematic, and temporal dimensions and structures attributes and relationships for each dimension to build a feature-based GIS. The model is grounded in an entity-based view of geographic phenomena and requires representation of geographic entities as feature objects in GIS. The model is built on concepts from region theory in geography, category theory in cognitive psychology, and data modeling theories, including abstraction and generalization concepts in cartography and GIS. The feature construct provides direct access to spatial, thematic, and temporal attributes and relationships and thus supports multiple representations and multiple geometries, such as raster and vector. The rich structure has potential application for spatial analysis and sophisticated geographic process models. Resolution and application dependencies of feature-based systems are discussed with tools to aid in feature determination. Example features are included with parts of the model explicated for these examples.

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