
What is the good and bad?

by  |  earlier

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of smoking pot?




  1. There is no such thing.  The "good" things of pot only last for a few minutes, (feeling high, laughter, etc.) but the "bad" things can last a lifetime if you become addicted to them.

    I work for a woman who is over 40 years old and smokes at least 4-6 times a week if not more.  Its begining to effect her job as she is highly stressed all the time, (thus "needing" more pot to cope,) she easily forgets very important dates and things, she is frequently late to work as she cannot get herself out of bed to function as she stays up too late.  She just has no sense of time, space, or anything!  She's even been so forgetful as to bring some to work (!!!!!) as she forgot she bought some the night before and left it in her purse!!!  If she is ever caught and turned in she will go to jail, lose her job, and have a criminal record that now makes it very difficult to get a job.

    And I'm sure you're saying that you don't or wont smoke that much, just a little here and there....  That's what she said when she started doing it.  This has been an off and on cycle for her for many many years!  And even if you do manage to do it only a few times here and there, the symptoms can effect you for several days afterwards!

    Just don't do it.  It really isn't worth the time lost, money spent, risk taken.

  2. I'll give you an honest ans.

    there's no "good" in smoking pot

    only "BAD"



    don't try it

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