
What is the language called gallic?

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im being told that this phrase i thought was gallic is now latin

and when i look up gallic it says stuff about irish and scotland




  1. They speak Gaelic in Ireland. When I over there visiting I would watch the evening news in Gaelic.

  2. The language is Gàidhlig.

    Gàidhlig is pronounced gallig or gallic.

    Its one of the Gaelic languages (the other two are Irish and Manx).

    Its Scottish and is still taught in Scotland and spoken by a minority.

    Nothing is both Latin and Gàidhlig, they are two completely different languages.

    Fit inde firmior doesnt make sense to me in Latin so I cant tell you waht it is in Gàidhlig.

    I know ide means hence.

    One way of saying hence in Gàidhlig is "às a seo"

    What is it you want to say in Gàidhlig?

  3. It's spelt Gaelic, and the pronunciation "[Gallic] refers specificallyto the version of it spoken in Scotland. It is a Celtic language and nowadays is spoken mostly in the Western Isles (the Hebrides) and in a few places in the North and West of (mainland) Scotland. I understand there is also a small Gaelic-speaking community in Novia Scotia, Canada.

    It is related to the Irish language (also called "Gaelic" but pronounced [g*y-lic] or [g*y-ling] and also distantly related to Welsh and Breton (spoken inNorth West France).

    Those who have said it is Irish are wrong; as I have explained, pronounced "Gallic", it refers only to Scottish Gaelic.

    Do not confuse it with "Gaulish" or "Gaul" (the old name forpart of France)

  4. yeah, it's the language of the Republic of Ireland(although many speak english) but another form of it is in Scotland but is unfortunately dieing out

  5. Gaelic is normally associated with Ireland, and Irish Gaelic is frequently just called "Irish".

  6. Gallic was the language of the Gauls, a Celtic language now extinct which was replaced by Latin in the first centuries C.E. Gallic was akin to Irish and Scottish Celtic languages, but since it was not often written (only a few texts were found), we don't have a very clear idea of what it was. Many names of places, rivers, cities of France are of Gallic origin.  

  7. Gallic is one language that they speak in Ireland. I'm not sure if it is a well known language in Scotland.

  8. um ok ignore the first two posts...

    Gaelic is spoken in Ireland, not Gallic...

    Gallic is an old Celtic language that was used in Gaul, a region of western Europe (including France, Switzerland, parts of Italy and Germany) that existed before the Romans invaded and introduced Latin.

    Gallic is also called Gaulish, you may find more information by searching for that.

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