
What is the nursery teachers role?

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What is the nursery teachers role?




  1. To ensure each child has the care and protection needed to promote self esteem. To write lesson plans in line with the Early years foundation stage. To keep records of achievements and any problems a child shows. To ensure all staff are well preppared for the activities and are aware of all the policies of the setting. To liase with parents and other agencies for the welfare of the child. To ensure each child reaches their full potential.

  2. A nursery teacher's role has to  be determined by the place you work.

    I work at a place where the role of the nursery teacher is to write out lesson plans, write out observations of the children, give the children care (diapering, wiping noses, potty training, feed, etc), give the children TLC when they need it, set up the envirement to be a place to learn and grow into a wonderul young person.

    Plus, we also work on training the aids so they can be better teachers.

    The place you are wanting to work should have a job description that tells you what your roles should be.

    I know I just listed the very basics of a role of a nursery teacher. I feel a nursery teacher is so much more. I know some people say a nursery teacher is just a baby sitter, but they are not. Here is poem that was given to me and it does explain what a nursery teacher role is. (It really explains all teacher roles and what they should be no matter the age.)

    "I am not a teacher, but an awakener"

    Robert Frost

    What is the role of the teacher?

           Author Unknown

    The early childhood teacher holds several roles.

    The teacher must love all of her children and treat them as equal but

    special individuals, thus she is a mother

    The teacher must ask though provoking questions and encourage

    exploration and investigation, thus she is a scientist.

    The teacher must sing loud and proud, even if she can not carry a tune,

    thus she is a musician.

    The teacher must run, hop, jump, skip, and tumble with the children,

    thus she is a gymnast.

    The teacher must share accounts of far away lands and imaginary people,

    thus she is a storyteller.

    The teacher must bandage scraped knees and kiss "ouchies", thus she is a


    The teacher must give words of encouragement, louder and stronger than

    anyone thought possible, thus she is a cheerleader.

    The teacher must listen with open ears and an empathetic heart, thus she

    is a friend.

    The teacher does not entertain, dictate, police, referee, lecture,

    demolish, or judge.

    The teacher is a facilitator, enables, questioner, encourager,

    organizer, nurturer, backer, advocator, and supporter.

    The early childhood teacher holds several roles, each different in

    action, but equal in importance.

    To teach is to touch a life forever.  And that is what the most

    important role of the teacher is.

    101 Ways To Praise A Child

       (author unknown)

    Wow. Way to go. You're special. Outstanding. Excellent. Great. Good.

    Neat. Well done.  Remarkable . I knew you could do it. I'm proud of you.

    Super Star. Nice work. Looking good. You're on top of it. You're

    catching on. Now you've got it. How smart. Good job. That's incredible.

    Hot dog. Remarkable job.  You're Beautiful. You're a winner. You

    make me happy. Hip, Hip, Hooray. You're important. Magnificent.

    Beautiful. Fantastic. You're on target. You're on your way. How nice.

    You're Spectacular. You're Darling.  Super. Super Job. Beautiful work.

    Good for you. Nothing can stop you now. Dynamite.  You're fantastic.

    Awesome. You're precious. Fantastic job. You've discovered the secret.

    Bingo. Great discovery. You're a real trooper. Marvelous. Terrific.

    You're growing up. Outstanding performance. You tried hard. You figured

    it out . What a good listener. You're a treasure . You mean a lot to me

    . You're a good friend . That's correct. A big hug. What an imagination.

    You learned it right. You're incredible. Now you're flying. Bravo.

    Beautiful. I like you. I respect you. You're sensational. Phenomenal. A+

    job. Hooray for you. You're unique. You care. Creative job. You belong.

    You brighten my day. Super work. That's the best. You made my day. I

    love you! Beautiful sharing. You mean the world to me. You're important.

    You've got a friend. You're a joy. You make me laugh . You're A - Okay -

    my buddy. I trust you. You are perfect. You're wonderful. A big kiss.

    Exceptional performance . P.S. Remember, a smile is worth 1000 Words!

    Children Learn What They Live

        by Dorothy Law Nolie

    If a child lives with criticism,

        He learns to condemn.

    If a child lives with hostility,

        He learns to fight.

    If a child lives with ridicule,

        He learns to be shy.

    If a child lives with tolerance,

        He learns to be patient.

    If a child lives with encouragement,

        He learns confidence.

    If a child lives with praise,

        He learns to appreciate.

    If a child lives with fairness,

        He learns justice.

    If a child lives with security,

        He learns faith.

    If a child lives with approval,

        He learns to like himself.

    If a child lives with acceptance and friendship,

        He learns to find love in the world

    I Am Looking For A Teacher

    Who is beautiful inside

    Honest with the students

    Giving them a sense of pride.

    I am looking for a teacher

    With a healthy self-esteem

    Who clearly states the rules

    And doesn’t have to scream.

    I am looking for a teacher

    Who creatively prepares

    But whose first priority

    Is to convey that she cares.

    I am looking for a teacher

    Who is interested, not aloof

    Who treats her students with respect

    Even when they goof.

    I am looking for a teacher

    Who knows how to laugh and smile

    Who enjoys what she is doing

    And goes the extra mile.

    I am looking for a teacher

    Who believes all students can learn

    Who praises their efforts and dreams

    They give their best in return.

    I am looking for a teacher

    Who communicates with parents well

    Gently and carefully selecting words

    When there is a problem to tell.

    I am looking for a teacher

    Who will fill a child with desire

    To learn more every day

    With curiosity that won’t tire.

    I am looking for a teacher

    Who encourages children to have a dream

    To work at solving problems

    Building their self-esteem.

    There are teachers out there

    The kind we are looking for

    For their student’s future success

    They have opened up the door.

  3. I was in this position once. We did have to write out lesson

    plans which would focus on motor skills, music, reading to the children, bringing them outside to experience the environment etc. As the children got older (about 8-12 months depending on the child) various other activities were included such as painting, learning to walk etc.

    Our main purpose was to aide in development as much as possible. Then of course which was more important was meeting each child's needs. Feeding, changing, nap time, and of course playing, interacting, and showing care to the child.

  4. A bit of everything: but mainly they are the one who plans and impliments the curriculum, sorts out new intake and transitions, runs the day to day of the setting, attends meetings etc. The boss of the nurseyr but not neccessarily the owner!

  5. There is no such thing as nursery teacher anywhere in the world. They just make it up


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