
What is the point of studying???

by  |  earlier

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i mean studying anything at all??




  1. to learn things that you dont know and become smarter

  2. What is the point of living?  Without studying you wouldn't have written the words you wrote...there'd be no internet...knowledge is the basis of technology from a spoon to a satellite...knowledge builds upon itself...we study in order to create, to enjoy, to live.

  3. There's no point in studying. Only nerds waste their time studying when they could be having fun.

  4. Hmm. Unless you want to go work in McDonalds for 40 years and rent in the same place for your whole life, you would not study. In other words, you are going to have a crappy life.

  5. So you can be ready for any situation or test in life. And for an education!

  6. to learn

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