
What is the religion of Egyptians ?

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Im doing this assignment on the religion how important is it to them




  1. Now it is usually Islam or Christianity, Coptic I believe.

  2. How ironic, Egyptians do not have a specific religion as such, But they did write the story of Jesus 3000 years prior to his so called birth, and this is factual evidence in Egypt, It's something the Christian religion dose not want to hear or talk about, and being a catholic for over 60 years it's time Christians wake up and smell the roses, It's a wonderful story and that's all it is, and there is not one ounce of evidence about Jesus in the bible, the scribes simply used the Egyptian story to put in the bible.

  3. Most are Islamic, and there are other religions such as Coptic Christian, Protestant/Evangelical, and Jewish (a few thousand but still there).  I believe there are Bahai and other religions with smaller numbers.  

  4. Modern Egyptians are either Muslims or Coptic Christians.

  5. The two major religions in Egypt today are Islam and Christianity.

  6. I am not egyptian but my friend is and she is a Christian.  I know that Egypt is a Muslim country though and that they are Arab.  

  7. Egyptians don't have a single religion.

    I believe the two largest religions within Egypt are Islam and Christianity.

    ETA:  The person below me is talking about ANCIENT Egyptian beliefs.

  8. Khemetic Paganism?

  9. Religion was very important to the Ancient Egyptians. Their religion was strongly influenced by tradition, which caused them to resist change. "Egyptians did not question the beliefs which had been handed down to them; they did not desire change in their society. Their main aim throughout their history was to emulate the conditions which they believed had existed at the dawn of creation" (Pg. 81, David, 1988). One of the very strong traditions was that of Divine Kingship. Divine Kingship is the belief that the Pharaoh was not only the King (political ruler) but also a god. The Pharaoh was associated with Horus, son of Re the sun god. Later it was believed that at death he became Osiris, or an Osiris, and would help the Egyptians in their afterlife.

    Due to their beliefs, the Pharaoh held an immense amount of power. In addition, the priests in Ancient Egypt were also very powerful. When things were going well, the people believed the priest and pharaoh were doing their jobs well; when things in the country were not going well, the people believed the pharaoh and the priest were to blame.

    The religion of Ancient Egypt was a polytheistic (many gods) religion with one short period of monotheism (one god). Their religion hosted about 700 different gods and goddesses. In addition, it was not uncommon for deities to be combined to form a new deity.

    One of the more famous aspects of the Egyptian religious beliefs was their ideas of the afterlife. They believed the physical body had to be preserved to allow a place for their spirit to dwell in the afterlife. Because of this, mummification was performed to preserve the body. In addition, large pyramids were constructed as tombs for the pharaohs in the Old Kingdom.

  10. They are Islamic and Coptic (a form of Christianity).  Many are secular but most are religious.

  11. Focus on the afterlife - their entire belief system revolves around being embalmed and buried properly so that they can reach their afterlife.

    Of course there are many other things to study, but it sounds like you just need the basics.

    EDIT: you mean ancient, right?

  12. Most of them are Muslim.  There is a very small Christian population in Egypt, but Egypt, which was once fairly moderate for a Muslim country, is becoming increasing more radically Muslim, and these Christians are being persecuted more and more.

    The increase of radical Islam is illustrated by the fact that more and more very young girls are wearing either head scarves or a full veil.  When I was there, we saw girls as young as about age 6 in full veils, with gloves covering their hands, and we saw toddler girls in head scarves.  

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