
What is the slowest animal?

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What is the slowest animal?




  1. George W. Bush (mentally, that is)

  2. That is so easy to answer. Me. ^^ Haha

    Jk, perhaps a turtle.

  3. A sloth.

  4. 1.sea anemone




  5. Ever heard someone called a "sloth" or "slow as a sloth" because they move really slowly? That's because the sloth -- especially the three-toed sloth -- is the slowest animal around. Their legs and feet are shaped to hang from trees, so it's actually hard for sloths to walk on the ground. They can't run or stand upright on their feet. It would take a sloth nearly a month to walk one mile! Sloths don't do much walking on the ground, though -- they spend their lives hanging upside down in trees. They eat, sleep, and even have babies upside down!

  6. sloth?

  7. On land its most likely a sloth.

    Snails and turtles come after that.

    But in water...Im not so sure.

  8. On land a three toed sloth is slow, moving at a speed of .15 mph.  However a garden snail is even slower, moving at a speed of .03 mph.  If you want to consider under water, a sea horse moves even slower at a speed of .001 mph and the sponge is so slow it never moves from where it is attached on the ocean floor, responding (slowly) only to touch. I would consider this to be even slower than anything that moves on its own.

  9. Native to Central and South America, the sloth is the slowest animal on the planet. Sloths move extremely slowly and only when it is neccessary. Although generally found, with the help of long claws, hunging upside down from branches, sloths will occasionaly make a trip down to the ground. Once on ground the sloth, generally, moves at 0.5 to 1 foot per minute with their maximum speed being at 5 feet per minute. Although sloths sometimes eat small insects and lizards, the sloth mainly eats vegetation and is considered an omnivore. Most at home in tropical rainforests, sloths are now having to adapt to city living with the ever growing urban areas. In rainforests sloths spend most of their lives hanging from tree branches and even dying in tree branches. Sloths have been found dead still hanging from the branches. However, with more sloths now venturing into urban areas, these slow creatures are now facing higher death rates and the Maned Three-toed Sloth is now been placed on the 'endangered species' list.

  10. A sea anemone.

    These things look like some kind of plant but they are really animals. And they move like animals. A lot of people think they are firmly planted but they are rootless and free to move about at will.

    I saw time lapse film of two anemones next to each other fighting for dominance. The battle took place over several days. If you were actually watching it in real time you would not have known anything was going on because they moved so slowly. But in time lapse it was a skillfully fought exchange between the two critters trying to outbest each other.

    The critters moved to outflank each other and then tried to sting each other, each trying to get the other one to move off the rock. In real time it took forever but it was quite a battle in slo-mo. I doubt that these is a slower animal than this.

  11. Chiasaurus Rex

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