
What is the social norm?

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Is it defined in black and white?

Does it change with the tides of opinion and morals?

Give me your idea's and thoughts.





  1. hmmm

    i would say the media determines the social norm

    yes it changes

    in the 50's the social norm for women was to b a housewife

    today the norm is a working woman

    yesterday the norm was 2 parent families

    today just the opposite

    the more we see things on tv the more subseptical we become to it

    therefore it becomes the norm

    i dont think it is black and white

    i think its all grey

  2. Good question

    Social norms can vary between country to country, due to religious beliefs, cultural traditions, values, attitudes and government influences etc.

    But technically speaking social norms refers to what we as a society deem as acceptable behaviour etc, step out side these norms, can mean you are deemed as a deviant.

    Therefor social norms are not black and white, some what gray as the previous answerer has said, and can mean different things to different people according to where they are in the world, also social norms have changed over the years, as we move around the world and mix with other cultures, and the media most certainly has a role in changing social norms, as does the change of governments leaders.

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