
What is the twilight genre?

by  |  earlier

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is it more fantasy, romance, I'm doing a english powerpoint at school and i have already done fantasy for a different book so i need another genre..

help please i need a quick reply

thanks in advance




  1. i would say young-adult/ fiction/ romance. somewhere like that. haha! hope this helps! i wish i could see your presentation. i LOVE twilight!

  2. I'm not an expert at this, I'm just guessing, but I would say romance.

    I tend to think of fantasy as princess or disney stories, but I don't really know.

    Good luck!

  3. Well, books can fall under multiple genres. Twilight can be considered fiction, romance, and/or fantasy.

  4. Young Adult, Romantic Fiction.

  5. i agree it is more of a "Fantasy Romance" i think


  6. I would say Romance (the main book theme is romance, not fantasy!)

    I hope that helps.

    NOTE: That is only my personal opinion.

  7. romance and fiction

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