I went on a trip to Romania visit some family and friends! Since they are Orthodox, we went to the church to pray and stuff! When we got there we saw 5 pregnant girls standing in front of the church! Two of them were 13, two were 14, and one was 15! They were all homeless! None of them had any family or friends, and the guys that got them pregnant were no where to be found! Not to mention the guys were like in their twenties! We got to know these girls! One of the 13 yr olds and the 15 yr old are due in a few weeks! These girls have dropped out of school, and have no jobs! They each are refusing to have an abortion, and they have not had regular checks with the doctor! These girls want to support their children, but they don't have the money!
So my friends and i are helping the girls through their pregnancy by giving them money, food, and cloths! It hurt my heart to see girls my age going through this kind of situation! Though i have only seen this kind of thing in Romania, it happens all over the world!
What is happening to this world? :(