
What is the worst thing said.....?

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In an argument between a couple that you know, whether it was you or a friend and their partner?




  1. sometimes i always get to tell him go burn in h**l and your mom will get the ashes

  2. I think the worst thing to say to anybody is 'I told you'.  It provokes reaction and starts the calmest of people's blood boiling.

    In arguments the things said are usually relative to what the argument is about, so trying to find the worst thing said is quite hard.....although, I think the hardest hitting I know of is what my friend said to her husband and that was 'you are more like a brother to me than a husband, I  love you, but like a brother'.  It ended in divorce and sent his confidence into the gutter.


  3. "You're not a man".  Said by the husband when the wife asked why he didn't have feelings for her any longer. (Not friends of mine, but casually acquainted with the wife many, many years ago).

  4. "I wish you were dead" and "Those kids aren't even yours"

  5. I'm not sexually attracted to you anymore.

    He was really crushed, and so was i, to see him hurting like that made me feel just awful :-(  

  6. f**k off!! oh and i dont love u! thats all i can think of at the mom

  7. Once I yelled, "I wish you would die".  It really doesn't get much worse then that does it?

    We used to have some pretty heated arguments, but now we are fine:)

  8. 'I go out of my way not to be in the same room as you'.

  9. You gained some weight and look fat to me.  That is why I don't want to be seen in public with you.

    I divorced him!!!!!

  10. "Morning Babe, you're ugly"

    One of my mates actually says this to his GF every day apparently. And, she puts up with it :S

  11. I call you little one because you have a little brain....... they split up!!!!

  12. After five yrs living with your partner, and after doing lots of sacrifices for him, he tells, he thought he loved you, but he didnt love you!!!!

  13. "your just a fat *** no good worthless **** w***e"! me to my ex-wife because she is keeping my kids and me from knowing each other for the last 9 months just because she is bitter ! and it was my sons b-day yesterday n she would not let me talk to him!

  14. Two things i can think of that'd kill me, one is,, i don't love you anymore more two is, i'm s******g someone else.

  15. "I NEVER LOVED YOU", "I HATE YOU", or to be callled someone elses name.

  16. Now you have herpes too!

  17. "Thats why I'm Sleeping with someone else"

    That would be pretty

  18. well i told my ex i might be pregnant and he said "contact DFS"...that actually hurt my feelings and i kinda wanna kick his *** right now...but yeah...thats the worst thing....

    DFS-department of family services, by the way

    also in the past ive had a man i was messing around with tell me he couldnt be my boyfriend because i was too big and his family would make fun of him for dating me....(i guess cuz of my looks) but im hot! i think he was just g*y lol

  19. 'Your not even the baby's Dad'

  20. My sister-in-law told her husband she hopes every day that he dies in an accident so she can be rid of him and collect on his insurance policy.

  21. that she felt like she was being shagged by a 25kg sack of potatoes.

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