
What is their life span?

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I have ahd hermit crabs off and on for a few years but have never had one hermit crab live longer than 7 months. What is the average life span?




  1. A long time even up to 30 years with proper care...

  2. If taken care of properly a hermit crab in captivity could live for as long as thirty years.  The average is 15-20 though.   If you are having trouble keeping them check to learn more about them.   Good Luck

  3. up to thirty years is what some people say. THere have been people who have kept them decades with great success. I've had mine four lost some along the way but many are still healthy and happy.

    Many die because this is a wild caught species and pet stores don't often give correct information. People just don't know how to care for them, because the information is hard to find.  The animals are also put though a lot of stress when taken from the wild.  Top it off with poor pet shop conditions and being sold as living toys and it's a wonder any survive.

  4. Unlimited span. As long as they breath

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