
What is this amusment ride called?

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Today at school some people were talking about some ride thats a big circle

and about 20 people get inside

and stand agianst the wall of the circle

and it starts to spin really fast?

and somehow gravity doesnt let you move.

(your not strapped in or anything)

whats this ride called?

can i get a picture of video of it?





  1. It's called Gravitron.

    Here is some history about it:


    See people on the ride:

  2. I think the ride you are thinking of is called Gravitron, but there is something similar to it called the Rotor or something like that.

  3. were im from its called the floor drop

  4. it depends on where it is, I have heard Tilt-a-whirl, Gravitron, and others

  5. at worlds of fun, this ride is called the 'finnish fling'....  it's a centrifugal force ride. while it's spinning the floor drops out and leaves you plastered to the walls.... don't ride it more than once at a time..... great 'heave' potential.

    Heres a page where you can check it out...

  6. its callled the gravitron. if you google gravitron , wikpedia has history and pictures of the ride.

  7. the Rotor

    here is a picture of it

    here is a video

  8. there is one in lake compounce. but it is in connecticut.

    here is a virtual ride.

  9. It depends on what park you're at, and the theme (space, western) of the park, if it has one. It's kind of like the scrambler (the name, not the ride itself); every carnival has one, and they all have different names.

    Most people call it the Round Up or Zero Gravity. These are open (no ceiling/floor), and once going fast enough, lift up to 72 degrees. It looks scary, but is really fun.

    There is a more common carnie--type ride that is safer, less fun, cheaper, mobile, covered, and flat. They all have different names, but almost all smell like puke, will blow your eardrums (or make you wish they did with the crappy blaring music), and have 1-per person sections in the wall that slide up as it goes faster.

    The best one i have been on was at Canobie Lake Park, and is called the Turkish Twist. it's a 12-foot wide circle with padded walls that, once rotating with a certain ballsy-ness drops the floor about 3 feet down. when it's over, the operaterslows down enough to let you drop safely, then you move away from the walls to let them bring the floor back up.

    (sorry for the crappy music, but this vid show the ride better than the others.)

    THEY ARE KICK ***!


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