
What is this. . . .circlephobia??!!!??

by  |  earlier

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ok so i get these weird feeling when i imagine dark circles or stuff like that.(lol) well it started when i had a dream where this cartoon charachter named timmy(yes from south park) was floating in the air and he was huge and he was bouncing a huge ball made out of dead people. when i woke up i felt scared and like anxious plus for some reason i wanted to collect everything that was round lol. so then one day i randomly woke up with this image in my mind and its said and in the image a mouse clicker clicked on the middle of the dot(.). and i got the feeling again. so then another day i have a dream of me stuffing pizza and being SUPER obese and i woke up with e same feeling and was scared to explode so i told my mom and she took me for a walk in the park and i felt better. and another day my friend send me a funny vid on youtube of a woman pretending to give birth and i was talking with her about how a doctor manages to not puke when the babys head starts showing out of tthe v****a then i got the feeling again cause i imagined the baby already out and there just being this dark empty hole then i got grossed out lol(yea i kno its weird). nowadays i get that feeling like 5 times a day but its not too strong. that feeling sometimes makes me want to harm myself to stop it so yea. can anyone tell me if this is somekind of phobia or what.




  1. Capitalization and punctuation help us figure out what you are trying to say. If I were to type an answer the way you have typed a question, I would be of no help at all to you.

  2. yeah looks like you have circlephobia

    or something

    if you can stop thinking about it and getting nervous maybe try seeing a therapist

  3. Circle-phobia, teeth of the v****a is not something that women actually suffer from, however, it is an actual psychological fear with references in different cultures, spanning thousands of miles and across thousands of years. The myth of vaginal teeth and Circle-phobia is  often associated with the fear of castration in women, and is most often falsely attributed to the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. Freud actually believed quite the opposite, he theorized that man's latent fear of a women's genitalia was because to a young boy a v****a is an example of castration and not the cause of castration. v****a dentata and v****a circle-phobia however, has its roots in folklore throughout the world. One ancient Chinese proverb spoke of a woman's genitalia as being both the gateways to immortality, but also the executioner of man. In Greek mythology, v****a dentata and v****a circle-phobia was represented by Gorgon, a female snake monster with often depicted with huge menacing fangs. Several deities represented v****a dentata and v****a circle-phobia in ancient Egypt as well as Native American folklore.

    The myth has very much less to do with teeth mutations and more to do as a cautionary tale warning women of the dangers of intercourse with strange men. The film Teeth uses the myth as more of a female empowerment against male antagonists. The historical studies never put it in this context, it was always seen from a male prospective. The movie definitely puts a new cultural context on a very old primal fear.

    To date, v****a dentata is not something taught in dentistry school, however, it is interesting how the fear has evolved in modern society. While teeth cloning and other tooth related technologies are changing the face of dentistry, dentists thus far have little to be concerned about when it comes to v****a dentata. Therapist, on the other hand, might have much to consider. The myth's frequent representation in various forms in so many different cultures does lead one to question if there's any truth or if it's something all in our minds?

    Well I'm no expert,but I have noticed that different people do ; the same things for different reasons,and different things for the same reasons.Me personaly,I am totaly facinated by a womans labia.I love the way they are all the same,but different.I love how they look,feel, taste,smell,all the wonderful things I am allowed to do while I'm lying down.

    Circle-phobia, teeth of the v****a is just a myth!

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