
What is this considered?

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When I was at the DMV the other day and they did the hand over eye chart test, with my left eye I could see everything, no problem, even read things smaller than the letters, but with my right eye I couldnt even see the sign that had the letters on them...

What is this called? What does that mean my vison is? (as in, 20/??) Can I still get my drivers license?




  1. go to an optometrist

  2. I agree with Pedestal42 above.  Worth getting checked out.

  3. Unequal vision.

    Almost everywhere, provided one eye is up to the visual standard, a normal driving licence is allowed.

    Some countries specify vision in the poorer eye for heavy goods vehicle or bus driver's licences.

    You've never noticed it before?

    That happens.

    It's probably just a refractive error, giving you 20/80 or worse, but you need an eye examination to assess what might improve it, or whether there's any other cause for the poor acuity: lazy eye, cataract, macular disease... there are lots of (less likely) possibilities that need eliminating.

    If that right eye has a blur, it doesn't mean you HAVE to have a correction for it, should glasses or contacts offer a fix.  You may find you're happier with good vision in both eyes, or happy as you are.  That will be your call.

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