
What is this please help?

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my brother has got some kind of bump in the head of his p***s as well as his butt they are itchy bumps and the one on his p***s it looks like ring worm or something idk what it is and advice on what it could be and dont say go to the doctor he wont anyway just any advice from someone who has had similar symptoms




  1. Best case scenario is a fungal infection like jock itch worse is an STD like herpes. Without treatment for either it won't heal and will probably worsen so he had better man up and get it evaluated by a Dr.

  2. Well, I would say it's either some kind of rash (which I might suggest some Balmex or something), or if he is sexually active it could be an STD.  If it is an STD, you may want to do some research on the internet about STD and try to find pictures.  Look for anything that looks similar to what he has.  If I had to guess, I would probably think herpes, but I'm not sure it really looks like a ring worm?  I can tell you if it is herpes, no medication is gonna get rid of it, just make you break out less and make it harder (not impossible) to give it to someone els.  It could also be genital warts.  You may want to take a look at this website.  I should ward you, it has actual pictures of infected genitals.  But this may help you figure out whether or not is is an STD.

    Good luck, and remember that there are plenty of free, confidential clinics nationwide!

  3. john-  it would help to know your brother's age and whether he is or has been sexually active.  If he has not been active, you could be right that he has ringworm (Tinea).  If so, the treatment would be with Ketoconazole or Metronidazole, both of which can cure the infection BUT each of which will require a doctor's prescription.  It's not anything to be embarrassed about and you can mention this to your parent or a doctor.  If your "brother" has been sexually active, it could be not only ringworm but possibly herpes or even the skin tag like warts of HPV (human papilloma virus),,,, a sexually ttransmitted disease that needs treatment by a doctor. Sorry but there is no sensible way to avoid seeing a doctor and taking care.  Most areas have a free STD clinic where even teenagers or adults could get seen for free and in complete privacy without having to tell parents.  Good luck.

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