
What is this ?????????????????

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the latest trend is "going green" because ,some say,that we are actually hurting the planet .Earth survived throw giant meteor impacts,multiple ice ages,giant floods and we with some little cars and plastic bags think we will harm it? WE WILL NOT EVEN SCRATCH IT! thw worst thing it can happen is the planet will destroy us like other species and then will become clean again




  1. It is a scam to make money, Where did our present supply of fossil fuel come from. It came from plants and they are still producing more fossil fuels . In fact just like water cycle ,the CO2 to oxygen cycle ,the plants also recycle our fossil fuels.We will never run out of fossil fuels.  

  2. plastic bags go in landfills. if land fills fill up we cant live anywhere we will eventually wither and die but you don't care! We could firkin kill our frikin childrin and you won't care!  WE ARE SIX BILLION PEOPLE THAT MEANS LOTS OF BAGS! God!!!!!.....Do some firkin research...

  3. people say saving the planet because saving ourselves sounds selfish.

  4. You answered your own question.  If we don't protect what we have, the earth may turn on us, as it has done in the past, and wipe us out.  I don't want that, and I know a lot of other people don't want that either.  So, by protecting the earth we are also looking out for ourselves and all the other living organisms on the planet.

  5. im not sure i quite understand ur question but the reason for going green is that after all the things you mentioned the world is growing weaker and all our polution is destroying the atmosphere aka if u dont help the earth u will burn and die! no offence in tended

  6. I think you missed the point, no one said our pollution will destroy the planet. Our pollution will just make it uninhabitable for humans and most other animals. We can continue to destroy habitats, fill the air with particulate matter, use up or pollute all the driniking water and the earth will be fine. It is us we are harming, we are the ones who have an increase in asthma as well as other respritory diseases, it is humans who are starving and dieing of thirst in several nations, we are the ones who are being poisened by our own food supply, by things like ecoli and salmonella.

    I do what I do out of self preservation, it is just a side benifit that it may help the earth in general. I ate salsa all summer long, because I know where my tomotos come from and I don't worry about salmonella.  

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