
What is this soup called?

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Its a Jamaican soup Im assuming because someone Jamaican made it a while ago for me.

My memory is so bad IM trying to remember all the stuff in it, I think it had (I dont know what this is called) some type of fluffy chewy white looking animal part in it. I think it was tripe or something that looked alot like it. I dont really remember the other stuff specifically in it. The tripe looking stuff doesnt taste good but i guess it gives it the flavour and it was so delicious.

Do you have any idea what this soup is called Id like to learn how to make it.




  1. Sounds like Menudo, very popular in Mexico and Puerto Rico

  2. menudo

  3. So it could be called "pepper pot" or "callahoo".

    Also, it could be as simple as "tripe and beans".

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