
What is time?.......?

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Matter & energy are reversible. What about time? Is it reversible? Where does it go? Where does it come from? Where is past & where is future? Where is my child hood now? We can be still in other dimensions, why can’t we be still in time dimension?

If time started from the moment of “big bang”, before that?

When will time end? If there is an end, what is after that? What is infinitive?

Are me & you in same time dimension?

What is the speed of time? If time slows down with the increase in velocity, how can we measure that?




  1. You're asking some very good questions, but unfortunately even the smartest people in the world cannot fully answer them. Einstein developed the concept of "Space-time", implying that space and time were one and the same thing. In other words, we live in a four dimensional universe - three spatial dimensions and one of time. In theory, this leads to some weird and wonderful possibilities - wormholes that can take us to different parts of the universe in an instant, or even different points in time.

  2. duration, change

  3. Time is: distance between two events(or non-events).

    A Day on Earth is different from A Day on Jupiter (as in time).

    Time could even be thought of as something that humans came up with to make sense of things happening around them(put one event before or after another).

    But, Einstein said - Space and Time are interlinked! Now that is different!

  4. Time is nothing but a fourth dimension consisting of INFINITE number of three dimensional universes. This set of inifiniteverse is moving in the fourth direction and present of each universe is a future for its preceding universe and past of its succeeding universe.

    So your childhood has entered into another universe which is as distant from you as your age is.

    If you want to measure this distance between you(now) and you(childhood) in metres, then multiply your age(in seconds) with speed of light.

    God has given us the right to go ahead in this direction and NOT backwards.

  5. time measured by primarily change in objects in the space decided by previous memory of the object space. so time is mostly a mind frame.there is no time without mind to detect  

  6. time is a measurement of how long you have to wait to get to a specific piont

  7. i don't know.

  8. its a number on the clock

  9. What do you mean by "reversible"? They can be converted from one form to another. What do you want to convert time into?

            Time is only the relative change in objects. It had been existing all the while. That is how the small dot of matter cnaged into an enormous one and the universe was born. When something changes, it indicates that time is flowing. If time came to a standstill, every physical and chemical action in this whole wide universe would stop.

    The sun would stop emitting light and heat and the particles will halt in their places. No more nuclear fusion in the sun's core, No more heartbeats. No more digestion and production of energy. Do you know how a vedio is captured? In a series of snapshots. We see the picture moving and we say its flowing. But it is actually the change in the pictures that make us feel as if it is moving. Like, all objects in the universe, time is elliptical. It is continuos and reapitive. Haven't you heard of the sayings - "History repeats itself" and "Frozen in time"?

               If time speeds up, like a fast forward in a vedio tape, everything will happen faster than normal.
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