
What is trans fat?

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Does it come from animals? because I want to eat some cookies but it has 1 gram of trans fat in it.




  1. It's a type of fat, most consumed are made from hydrogenating oils. They can come from sugary foods, red meats and fried food. The ones made from hydrogenating oils are more harmful than the natural ones in meat.. You can eat the cookies, but don't eat them too often, exercise the trans fat off.

  2. Trans fats are artifically hydrogenated fats.  Any time you see "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" on a label, those are trans fats.  Read the ingredients on your cookies; most likely you'll see something like partially hydrogenated soybean oil.  It's vegetarian friendly, but not heart healthy.

  3. The major sources of trans fat is from pastries, cakes, cookies, biscuits, commercially deep-fried foods and product containing vegetable shortening and hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.

    For more info on Trans Fat, go to this Health Promotion Board, it is simple and easy to read :

    As a guide, limit trans fat to less than 2g per day.  : )

  4. Trans fat is a type of unsaturated fat. It does occur naturally in meat and dairy products, although in very small amounts. Hydrogenated oils are the major source of trans fat in the modern diet.

    Normal unsaturated fats are 'cis' (zusammen from German) and refer to the geometry of the carbon-carbon double bond. When the hydrogens are on the same side, it is a 'cis' fat. When the hydrogen atoms are on opposite sides, it is a trans fat (entgegen in German). That's why cis and trans are also referred to as 'Z' and 'E' isomers in chemistry.

  5. i'm pretty sure it doesn't. common sense.

  6. No, trans fat is not made from animals.  It is a man-made fat often used in foods to give them a longer shelf life.  Like high-fructose corn syrup, your body does not know what to do with it, so it is stored as body fat.
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