
What is trojan horse virus?

by  |  earlier

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I knew this word i mean it is familiar to me but I don't know it's meaning i just know that it is a virus.




  1. In the context of computing and software, a Trojan horse, also known as a trojan, is malware that appears to perform a desirable function but in fact performs undisclosed malicious functions. Therefore, a computer worm or virus may be a Trojan horse. The term is derived from the classical story of the Trojan Horse.This definition was probably what i could get from the net.It is a very dangerous virus in my comes when you download a free software unknowingly from the net.When you run it it it enters your pc or laptop.


    Took me less than a minute to look that up.

  3. it is a virus that you download thinking that it is something else... you run it because you think it is something you want and really it is a virus that infects your computer with a bunch of c**p...

    you think you are getting a free copy of some great application and you are really getting a doorway for jojofunguy1443 the 9y/o hacker to look at all the stuff on your computer.

  4. It's a type of virus that does malicious things in the background without the user knowing.

  5. Trojan horses are  malware that appears to perform a desirable function but in fact performs undisclosed malicious functions. Therefore, a computer worm or virus may be a Trojan horse. Foe example: a program named "waterfalls.scr" serves as a simple example of a trojan horse. The author claims it is a free waterfall screensaver. When run, it instead unloads hidden programs, commands, scripts, or any number of commands without the user's knowledge or consent. Malicious Trojan Horse programs are used to circumvent protection systems in effect creating a vulnerable system to allow unauthorized access to the user's computer. Non-malicious Trojan Horse programs are used for managing and forensics.

  6. it is an old virus

    u should not worry about it

    in my opinion u can use any av programe to remove it

    a Trojan horse, also known as a trojan, is malware that appears to perform a desirable function but in fact performs undisclosed malicious functions. Therefore, a computer worm or virus may be a Trojan horse. The term is derived from the classical story of the Trojan Horse.

    The word 'Trojan horse' is generally attributed to Daniel Edwards of the NSA. He is given credit for identifying the attack form in the report "Computer Security Technology Planning Study".[1] The term derives from the Trojan War, as mentioned in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid: worn out by the long siege, the attacking Greeks built a giant wooden horse, ostensibly a peace offering, and pretended to sail away, but in fact left soldiers hidden inside the statue. After the Trojans brought the horse inside the city walls, the soldiers emerged, opened the gates to the Greek armies, and sacked the city of Troy.

    A classic example originated from computer pioneer Ken Thompson in his 1983 ACM Turing Award lecture. Thompson noted that it is possible to add code to the UNIX "login" command that would accept either the intended encrypted password or a specific special password, allowing a back door into the system with the latter password. Furthermore, Thompson argued, the C compiler itself could be modified to automatically generate the rogue code, to make detecting the modification even harder. Because the compiler is itself a program generated from a compiler, the Trojan horse could also be automatically installed in a new compiler program, without any detectable modification to the source of the new compiler.

  7. here take a look at this blog it has the answer. It also answers on how to remove Lmok D trojan as well

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