
What is true beauty?

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What is true beauty?




  1. true beauty is when you are kind, mannerous and generous. If you have  3 qualities, you are beautiful

  2. The beauty that come from inside.True beauty of a person is when every part of his body,face and all look good together,no matter whether you`re fat or no,if you have big eyes or small ...when everything is well combined that`s a true beauty.

  3. Beauty is the pleasure of our souls. What pleases us is what is beautiful.

  4. True beauty is ugliness, because it helps you understand what you believe is beautiful.

  5. A hesitation worked within me while answering to your question, so I had to go through the answers above. It made me frustrated because 90% of the answers were on our being beautiful! By the way, did you ask the 'true beauty of human being'?

    To me, the adjective BEAUTY is always TRUE, otherwise it was not supposed to be beautiful! And a "beauty" depends on the person who is going to verdict. Probably you've heard a kind of phobia----few persons can't tolerate the open evening-sky with a dazzling moon! Even they are afraid(!) of its reflection on water! But how beautiful a moonlit night to others!

  6. <<<<<<

  7. Inner lasts forever.

    Physical beauty...lasts until you're like 40?(unless you've got lots of $$ and a good doctor).

  8. the beauty in which one can love themselves and being content in their own skin. it brings otu confidence and well being. which allows this person to, be beautiful inside an out.

    sort of speak...

  9. its no one  

  10. true beauty is a subjective concept, therefore there is no set definition

  11. True beauty is something that cannot be seen nor touched. It is the way you treat other people. A person with true beauty will have a good heart and will help others in times of need. This person is kind and friendly to everyone, even towards their enemies.

  12. True beauty is found in the eye of the beholder. You see not just what your eyes see but what you identify with inside. I think you recognize or identify what you are and that's why you think it's beauty. I think that's also why there are so many arguments and debates about what is truly beautiful. If I was to define what I personally think is beauty, it would be all that is good, wholesome, and pure.

  13. your mums chest hair

  14. natural.

  15. Knowing someone likes you.  Knowing someone's eyes light up when they see you.  True beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I know that is a cliche.  A great smile, a twinkle in the eyes, a s**y confidence, inner beauty, all make up the beauty quotient.  

  16. True Beauty is when one use his/her five senses with his/her loving heart and brain working.

  17. A Spitfire

  18. I could be general and say existence itself is beauty, or else there would be no beauty to speak of at all.  Then again, not everything is equally beautiful upon examinations.  There lays the problem of judgment of its truthfulness.

    In this sense, are we not turning an objective fact into subjective preferences by digging too deeply when truth is written plainly on the wall?

  19. True beauty is kindness, consideration, love. The sun shining through trees in the woods is true beauty, two people getting married is true beauty. It's various, depending on the person. Nobody can see beauty the same as another.

  20. Proportion and symmetry

  21. Beauty is what makes the heart beat faster while making it impossible to breathe.

  22. natural beauty
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