
What is truth? .?

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What is truth? .?




  1. That which is not false . It is the object of which, the shadow is falsehood.

    Truth is relative to the situation and environment .Sugar is sweet to a noraml man . for one who is sick , it might bge bitter in taste .So both men should b right when the one says that it is sweet and the other says that it is bitter.the tast is not in the matter but in the mind .

    what one sees as a curbe deom a side it ,might look like a straight line to one who looks at it from the top ot the one who says that a line is a cure and the one who says that the same line is straight line , both are right from their own point of view and situation.

    Neither truth nor falsehood is absolut in character .they ae relative only .It is like big and small.What is big and what is small? what is good and what is bad ?what is heay and what is light ? what is tall and what is short ?

    wher eis the sky ? Above th earth or below the earth or on its sides ?where is the earth , if allaround it is the sky? the earth itself is in the sky only when you look at it from the moon or any other planet or space .

    The whole world is a Maya jaal or an illusion of nature , (the quality of God ) where nothing but the space alone is absolute .

    the only thing that exiss as "NOTHING " is space .; a thing that "IS" as "NOT"  

  2. Satanism is the truth because it is based on reality

  3. that the blood of christ was such a great value that it took away the sins of the whole world frome the eyes of good! never to rember them again!

  4. Truth is that which is in agreement with (perceptible) reality.

  5. good morning brother

    great question

    there are two types of truths

    1 personal truth

    2 absolute truth

    1 personal truth

    all of us see that sun rise in the morning and sun set in the evening

    but in reality sun never shine,sun never set,that is our illusion personal truth are those which is individual truth and subject to a person,good and bad,moral judgement all these things come under personal truth.philosophical knowledge also come under persoanl truth because it is a person own idea or views with reason.

    2 Absolute truth

    it is earth which take the revolution of the sun,so this is absolute truth,sun rise and sun set is a personal truth,all these things which are empirical in this universe had absolute truth like sun,moon,revolution of planets around the sun,causes of rain,they are absolute truth.all scientific and logically proved things come under absolute truth

    god bless you brother and will give you power,beauty and knowledge

    all the best for the future brother

  6. truth is divine. speaking it gives a pleasure to the speaker in longer terms. realizing it makes life much easier

  7. Find out for yourself! Its a journey in its way....

  8. something thats not a lie

  9. Joh 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

  10. Presently, it is a relative term. To us anything known/believed beyound doubt is a truth. You are Mr so and so is a truth. You have two eyes is a truth. Your mother's name is Mrs so and so is a truth. etc! But the ultimate truth is not yet known scientifically, because the science has not yet defined the theory of origine of Universe particularily about the situation and law before the Big Bang. A lot of knowledge is yet to be gain to define the theory of Natural processes. Hence, the ultimate truth can only be known if we can calculate all the probabilities, which is possible only if we know all the science of Origin and Progression.

  11. Pilate asked that question. This after spending most of the morning talking to Jesus and just before handing him over to be executed.

    The conversation before that was the following:

    So Pilate entered into the governor’s palace again and called Jesus and said to him: “Are you the king of the Jews?” 34 Jesus answered: “Is it of your own originality that you say this, or did others tell you about me?” 35 Pilate answered: “I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests delivered you up to me. What did you do?” 36 Jesus answered: “My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source.” 37 Therefore Pilate said to him: “Well, then, are you a king?” Jesus answered: “You yourself are saying that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone that is on the side of the truth listens to my voice.”

    So, the truth is related to knowing who Jesus was and his position in God's arrangement.

    That knowledge Jesus said the night before was important for everlasting life.

    John 17:3

  12. Jesus said: "Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth." (John 17:17) The word of God as expressed in the Bible is the truth that can bring freedom from superstition and false worship. The Bible contains the truth about Jesus Christ, which leads people to put faith in him and opens the way to a bright hope for the future.

  13. It's a concept.

  14. That we can't understand the whole truth.

  15. When you seek knowledge you will find the truth, as knowledge and truth go hand in hand

  16. The Satanic Bible is the truth
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