
What is unamerican to you?

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i am american have been since 1635 when decon thomas parker came here from england




  1. culture


    ability to see beyond American shores

    a sense of equality

  2. I think you have the right to say anything you want, even if you know it's not true. I also think that something 'un-American' would involve you being prevented in any way, shape or form from saying it. But for me, the most perilous threat to American Freedom comes from the people who steal our privacy, especially through hidden cameras. Many who engage in this do it for fun and entertainment, even while realizing it is a crime which can utterly ruin a person's life. This happened to me, and the destruction of my personal dignity is total and will never be recovered. Only mortal revenge can bring this situation to general public scrutiny.

  3. unamerican is breaking the law, unamerican is changeing the constitution, unamerican is taking the word god out of the pledge of allegence which was started by early americans, unamerican is not fighting in a war when your country drafts you, unamerican is giving afican-american, indian-american free collage and immigrants no taxes for the first 7 years in the land of equility

  4. umm, well, considering the fact that america is like a huge, big, melting pot of people, according to schoolhouse rock, lol, nothing would be unamerican, other than breaking the AMERICAN laws or going against AMERICA, but then again,   you would have to come up with a definition of american, and if you did, it would probably be american-variety of people living in one country, so yea, i say very few things are unamerican.

  5. Un American would be me....a country with as much power as yours... scares me. When we consider who has the button.... that also scares me ( you know what I mean)

  6. Being well educated.

  7. It is unAmerican to not recite the Pledge of Allegance.

  8. The most unamerican thing I can think of is the way the 2 political parties have subverted the election process so that $$$ reigns supreme. Lets go back to the constitution and have 1 man 1 vote,not PAC and lobbyist with the most money telling us who is worthy of being president. While we are on the constitution lets bring back personal freedoms and start trials in open civilian courts for those criminals who call themselves terrorists.At the same time give those of us who haven't committed any crimes our rights to bear arms, read books, and travel as we wish!!!

  9. Not to enjoy tobacoo smoke.

  10. Well for starters. Burning the American Flag.

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