
What is unique about the biosphere?

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What is unique about the biosphere?




  1. The distinguishing feature of the biosphere is that it supports the life.The biosphere supplies the essentials of life namely light , heat, water, food and living space or habitats for all the species(plants,animals and human beings) of the earth.The biosphere is an evolutionary system.It represents a stable equilibrium of various physical and biological factors which have been operating in the past.

  2. hello,

    The biosphere is the part of the Earth, including air, land, surface rocks, and water, within which life occurs, and which biotic processes in turn alter or transform. From the broadest biophysiological point of view, the biosphere is the global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. This biosphere is postulated to have evolved, beginning through a process of biogenesis or biopoesis, at least some 3.5 billion years ago.


  3. The biosphere is what we loosely call nature -- the earth and its supporting atmosphere. All science ultimately study nature. Never-the-less, certain science focus more specifically on properties unique to our biosphere.

  4. It is the only sphere that exists entirely within the other spheres, namely the geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere.

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