
What is water made of lol?

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What is water made of lol?




  1. one molecule of water is made of 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Actual water is made of a zillion of this molecules plus impurities or contaminants, and additives such as chlorine and fluoride.

  2. Water is a compound chemically known as dihydrogen oxide. It's what you get when two atoms of hydrogen attach to an atom of oxygen. You can make water simply by mixing the two elements. After the explosion what's left over is water.

  3. Water is made of the magic of 10,000 fairies, each with an infinite number of hairs on their head or "strings" as they call them.  Water comes from a place so far away in the universe that to travel there would take more light years than it took the universe to be created or "big banged".  You are swimming in water right now, but you can't tell, just like a fish.  

    BTW, I'm being funny... Hydrogen and Oxygen.  One atom of H and two atoms of O... H2O.  The 2 would be a subscript.

  4. lol

    ....water of course!

  5. 2 parts of hydrogen one part of oxyegen unless your talking bout heavy water which is D2O or ²H2O, or as deuterium protium oxide

  6. It is made up of 2 Hydrogen and 1 oxygen

  7. 2 parts hydrogen, 1 part oxygen

  8. H2O

    2 marts hydrogen molecule and one part Oxygen

  9. H2O

    two molecule of hydrogen and one molecules of oxygen.

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