
What is with republicans?

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Everybody knows about the steriotipical southern republican...They love Jesus, they love guns, they love money. If you don't agree with me, deal with it because it is the truth.

My question is if they are so prone to doing what it takes to get into heaven, then why don't they spend a little money to help others? If Republicans ran the world the rich would stay rich and the pore would stay pore...forever.

Let's take an example. In Washington state teachers and schools are grossly underfunded and it shows in the test scores of porer communities. There could a small tax increase to give more money to the schools but a lot of republicans couldn't care less. (but if they aren't helping someone in need won't that mean they are not going to heaven?...yes)

So what is their deal? i would love to here liberals answer this question but i also want to here a conservative's side of the story.




  1. 1) Nothing wrong with guns, money OR jesus (though i don't 'believe in Jesus)

    2)Conservatives/Republicans give MORE in charity than democrats/liberals.....we just believe in the people doing it, not government.

    3) it is spelled p o o r  poor, not  p o r e

    4) why should I have the government steal money from someone with no kids, to pay for my kids to go to school....theft is theft!

  2. well i sort of agree with you.

    but your not telling the whole story.

    what about the democrats?

    they aren't perfect either.

    but hey, i agree with what your saying,

    they're too busy taking care of their selves to give a c**p what happens to schools and stuff.

    sorry if this offends any republicans


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