
What is with this!? Seriously!?

by  |  earlier

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I don't get it... It seems like whenever I look at questions regarding s*x, there are a lot of females saying this, this, and that like it's all they can think about and it's all they want is s*x. And it's just so ridiculous. I mean what happened to decent girls? To decent people?? Now it's like a female doesn't care if she's being used and 'abused' by this guy or that guy as long as she's getting her s*x. And that's ridiculous and ridiculously stupid. And then when the guy starts acting this same way, when she's had enough of s*x and wants something more, then he's a pig and slime ball and everything else bad and disgusting. And it's like... Well what the heck do you think you just did!? You were the same way not 12hrs ago! And here it is you're gonna go and turn the tables like this and then it's all him? All on his shoulders? And it's all HIS fault!? When you just did the same exact thing!? It's like what the heck? Well what do you think you were just doing there, eh? You were...




  1. Yes, there are just as many female pigs out there as male pigs.

  2. I don't know what you mean- after I wake up at 6 to get my kids' things ready for daycare, drive to daycare, work for 8 hours,pick kids up from daycare, make dinner, feed kids, feed me and hubby, clean up,bathe kids and put them to bed do laundry, housework and check email I could care less if I ever had s*x again.

  3. I don't really think most women want just s*x.  They want s*x AND a relationship and they are disappointed when the guys can just walks away.  s*x makes the woman feel closer to the man, and I think it just makes the man want to get far away, before he starts caring.

  4. Yikes... you're pulling together a bunch of random information and trying to make a coherent generalization out of it. You need to look a little deeper, because your generalization isn't very accurate.

    I love s*x, but generally only with people who I KNOW respect me. Sometimes I'm just looking for a short-term fling, and in that case my expectations are a lot lower in terms of how they treat me. But most of the time, I am only really s*x crazy when I'm in a solid relationship where I'm pretty much assured that they're not a jerk.

  5. Some people view it as a right of passage into adulthood. I know people who I think are decent, although even they are not perfect. I think I am somewhat decent, although once my heart starts to pulsate wildy with pleasure that is love and the pain which is called love. I can be as bad as an animal. I would become a complete sell out to get what I want the attentions and maybe the affections of the one I love. In truth I believe no how much I love people, ultimately we all are screwed up. Can you say that you have never had a taste of passion? I believe you have not felt so deeply that you have fallen to pieces for if so you would not be asking this question. Have you ever been without your family or friends? Because we humans are like pack animals like the wolf and as we know  there are omegas in the packs. Who are harmed over and over again because of there low rank, but they would rather stay then go out and starve. If you ever want to feel the longing that one feels for a person try starving for a day, because it sure does feel that way.andThen again maybe you would still ask this question, for it depends on the specific group of people you are talking about. In my mind when I love someoe I want only that person and would do anything to keep them. Sometimes the woman does not know that she will get emotionaly attached and it just happens and then she will crave more. She would be willing to overlook all of his faults if she gets what she ultimalty wants, at least for a time. What she wants someone who she feels a bond with and who she could love with all of her heart. If she does not get this maybe she would no longer be willing to overlook his faults, upset he is her scapegoat for all of her pain and misery. Please, do not judge them too harshly. I mean dontcha think it would be best for them to vent in a healthy way? I mean the pain they feel probably stabs into there heart like a knife already. And besides maybe they will learn something, if not they have a life of suffering to look forward too. They are both skrewed up, but you are not perfect either, remember that, even if you forgot your mistakes they are still there, but I would beat you in a skrewed up contest...I have had withdrawel symptoms from not seeing certain people before including family life sucks I am very sorry to say... my social life dies to much....I should shut up now.

    -Also what are you talking about when you say they do not care, are you sure they aren't just willing to overlook the fact that they are being treated like garbage for what is in it for them, possible love? *Listens to love addict by family force 5*

    -even s***s have normal human emotions, sometimes

    - especially despirite women dress sluty :< They just want attention and to see there male options

    -other woman probably are arrogent see themselves to good to be left, they need a boyfriend to prove this

    -boyfriends can and may be seen as accsesories ment to be worn like braceletts

  6. s*x is not indecent. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have s*x. I don't even understand your question.

  7. I see your point.  It is as though they are playing a game you might call "How Do YOU Like It When I Act This Way?"  

    I find it hard to believe that many girls are so into s*x that they don't care how they are treated as long as they get it.

    I think it's an act.  They think it's cool now.  They are working at overturning the double standard.  And they don't mind being pregnant and unwed, because the government pays for everything, so there is no down side to it.

  8. I agree with you!!!

  9. You need to start hanging around with some different women

  10. ugh i back you up 100% now in this world everyone is just completley perverted. haha.

    yeah and i'm sick of girls walking around with almost no clothes on like nothing is wrong, its like serioulsy are you ASKING for trouble??

  11. On the river of Hormones, s*x is an important village and when people stop to sample the goods and it becomes not good for them it has to someone else's fault aka the person who's goods they sampled.  Stay in your canoe and work on on your tan until your ready to tie some knots, then stop by the village of s*x.

  12. These types of women (and men) either never had a good relationship with their fathers and or has mental problems and uses s*x as an escape mechanism.

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