
What is worn under chain mail?

by  |  earlier

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I'm making a hauberk or "byrnie" because it'll only be about waist-length. I've heard of padding worn under it, but I'm curious as to what kind of shirt to wear instead, and pants as well. An example of a full outfit would be very helpful. The mail is steel, dirty and heavy. I want the outfit to look relatively accurate when wearing it at a Faire. It'll just be the top for now. I'm not concerned about a coif or anything else chain related. Just what style of shirt and other clothes to wear with the byrnie.




  1. Try a leather shirt or something, if they could afford mail, they could probably afford leather

  2. A knight had many pounds of armor that he had to wear to protect himself from arrows and enemies swords. The armor was put on by one or more squires or pages. First, the knight put on a linen shirt and drawers, which were similar to loose boxer shorts. Over the drawers he wore a long woolen hose and arming doublet, which was a shirt with chain mail padding on the arms and chest.

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