
What is worse?(EASY)?

by  |  earlier

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alcohol or weed




  1. i'd say weed

  2. Weed? what do you mean weed?  If you're so interested in weed go outside and cut the grass

  3. weed

  4. Well...their BOTH BAD...but i would HAVE TO SAY....Alchohal...can kill u MANY ways...DRUNK DRIVING...ALCHOHAL POISINIG...but SMoking IS BAD TOO

  5. Weed.

  6. i would have to say alcohol becauz of drunk driving poisinig and lots more but weed is bad 2

  7. both.

  8. gosh!! i dont know  i think its weed is for speed  alcohol is for destruction  

  9. Alcohol.  Ask anyone who has tried both.

  10. not sure.

    but both are bad.

    don't do them!!!

    i'm straightedge, dude! =]

  11. i've heard of many many people dying from alcohol poisoning, but have yet to hear of anyone with weed poisoning....

    i would say alcohol
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