
What is wrong with me ????

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Last night i had full insomnia associated with rushing toughts..i don't know exactly how to explain it but every second i felt asleep i felt i'm goin crazy.Im a bit paranoid about it because i think i have schizophrenia.I couldnt sleep 1 minute,what is wrong?

didnt used any drug or medicine..

* 3 hours ago

* - 3 days left to answer.

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2 hours ago

Yeap,i'm 17 yrs old and suffered from depression at 14 but been healed;without any Withdrawals.

I don't know if it's stress but it seems i'm ok when i'm awake;the thing that made me anxious was that i couldnt sleep for 1 minute,every tought was denaturated like i was on drugs;something like wolfs running around me ,etc.I'm afraid to sleep now dunno what to do,i can't go to doc and tell this because it's nonsens




  1. Rushing thoughts are only expressions of emotions in your subconscious mind. Your mind works off of emotion not reason. Reasoning can create emotions,but when you get "Racing Thoughts " it just means that your not in touch with your emotions. When you find the emotions that are connected to those thoughts then you will control those thoughts by expressing your emotions safely.

    Tip: Get a notebook and write down as many thoughts as you can when they "Race". After a while look for emotions,concerns,desires you have and any fears that might be behind behind those thoughts.

    Lastly, your subconscious is hungry for emotions 24/7/365! So when emotionally tired it is hard to get in tough with your emotions,but after a break keep on working at it and pay attention to times when you try to push away emotional pain. You need to confront ALL negative emotions in order to turn them into brave emotions and you need to get in touch with your desires to grow the emotion of direction.

    Stop thinking that something is wrong and realize that your mind is a fertile garden and negative emotions are weeds and they must be replaces with fruits of desire.

    NOTE: If you feel out of control or really scared then go to doctor for help.

  2. try reading a book.

  3. I find guided meditation CDs to be really helpful.

    Get a CD that has someone talking & directing your thoughts. I've had one directing your thoughts to be about a mountain, one about focusing on your breathing & different parts of your body, imagining your a bird/ball  & being talked through a story.

    It's helpful because it gets you to focus your thinking on something. If you really listen to the CD & think about what it tells you, you'll be distracted from you're other thoughts.

    It also calms you down & slows your system down

  4. It's not nonsense. It is insomnia and is very real and disturbing.

    If it persists, you should go to a doctor and you'll be surprised how understanding he/she will be.

    In the meantime, you could buy the homeopathic remedy Coffea Cruda in 30 CH dilution. Take 5 small granules (melt them in mouth, don't chew) 1 hour before going to bed for 2 weeks. It should work to help you sleep.

    If you react to the fact that "coffee" is prescribed for insomnia, I confirm that in homeopathy this is correct. I didn't type wrong.

    Wishing you all the best and a good night sleep!

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