
What is wrong with my ankle

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I was at football conditioning and when I was running I stepped in a hole and rolled my ankle and fell. When it happened I heard a pop. I could walk after it happened but with a limp and after practice was over my ankle just got worse. I iced it and stuff. Know its the next day and It just felt worse, but as the day went on it got a little better. Know I can walk on it but I still limp and it hurts to move it. It is a little swollen and there are bruises. I am not in horrible pain but it does hurt even when I am just laying down. I want to know if anyone knows what is wrong with it. I am guessing it is sprained but when I told my neighbor who is a nurse it popped she said I should get it checked out. What should I do. I need to know by Monday because that is the first day of practice.




  1. u better get it checked, so it can heal the right way.

  2. I agree with your neighbor,  it should at least be xrayed to verify nothing is torn or broken.

  3. Sounds like you sprained it, go to the doctor ASAP.

  4. first off you need to "RICE" it. Rest, Ice, Compress, and elevate. to make sure that it can heal up quickly.

    I would advise going to gt it checked out before your football season actually starts, because the likely hood if it getting hurt again is HIGH, and you dont want to be out in the MIDDLE of the season.

    make sure that you are (get your coach to do it) consistently wrapping your ankle now before ANY practices and you can also buy ankle braces to keep you from rolling it again.

    the last thing is try to keep off of it as much as you can, out side of practice ofcourse.. haha

  5. Usually when you hear a pop, you've torn something, probably a ligamentt. The ankle isn't a very stable joint, and sprains are common at that site. If it's black and blue, hurts even when your not using it, and very inflamed, you most likely have a 2nd to 3rd degree sprain. Until you can go see a doctor, ice it, keep it elevated, and try to relieve as much pressure from that ankle as possible. Take some ibuprofen for the pain. It's definitely not a good idea to play football which is such a high contact sport until you've been cleared by a doctor.

  6. I'm real sorry that you're in a tough situation man. Unfortunately, I'm not a doctor or anything, but I do go to a Medical High School Academy. It really doesn't matter if you heard a pop in my opinion, I think it just means that you're ankle rolled quite a bit. It is a sprained ankle dude, it might be a severe one. Sure, it'll feel better as you continue to play, but the next day it will be even worse than the last time. You don't have to get it checked out, I think it's just a bad ankle sprain. You'd just be wasting money at the doctor's. Elevate your leg at night, just put 2-3 pillows under your foot when sleeping. Keep putting ice on it, but only 20 mins at a time. Don't go to practice on Monday, let it heal for a couple of weeks. You should make sure that you are ready to play in the actual season, don't keep conditioning (that'll make it worse). Good luck with your ankle. I've had a lot of injuries lately also, I know it feels bad not to play, but trust me it'll be worth the wait.

  7. something similar happened to me only it was just me dancing but oh well haha. anyway. i kept dancing on it cause nobody could tell what was wrong then the figured out then I dislocated my paraneal tendon. hope its not that case for you but be on the safe side and have it checked but always remember RICE rest, ice, compriession, elevation =]

  8. Get it checked out so you don't injure it more.  It needs to rest to heal and the doctor can advise you of what to do.

  9. Sounds like what my son did on the tennis court.  The doctor said to ice it on and off for 20 mins. at a time for the first two days.  This keeps the blood flow down to the injury which helps keep swelling and pain down.  After the first two days, the ice doesn't help as much.  

    You probably sprained it, which is a watered down term for tearing a ligament.  The reason you would most likely be told to stay off of it and to use crutches for a week or so is so that the ligaments will not stretch out as the heal.  If they are or becore too stretched you could have a permantly loose ankle that could give out on you.  Then a simple quick surgery can tighten it up.  Best of luck to you and your football.  If I was your mom, I would have you elevate it, ice it every two for twenty minutes and keep you on crutches until it heals.

  10. See good chiropractor and follow his/her instructions.  Don't let it go untreated where ankle can heal incorrectly and later cause chronic pain and other problems.

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